Originally posted by M4
TeamXbox, followup to MSXbox. I used to mod their forum. Essentially the biggest Xbox-only site online.
Oh. I go to TeamXbox about twice a month. It just didn\'t click that TXB stood for Team Xbox. Thanks.
EDIT: Ok, I just read that guys preview of the game. What the heck? By the sounds of it, he hasn\'t played a DOA in his life before DOA3. I kept on expecting him to say, "BTW, I haven\'t played DOA2, so I can\'t compare it to that." Just read it to see what I mean.
The article also has some movies at the end. And no, this is not a link to the "you are an idiot" page. I promise.
http://www.teamxbox.com/content.php?id=94&p=1EDIT EDIT: Ok, I downloaded the movies and now I KNOW that he\'s never played DOA before. Just watch the movies, especially the one with the boss in it.
It\'s pretty funny. He knows one move pretty well though -- "jump."
He does it all the time for no reason.