Basically what happened was:
We showed up and watched a long demo of a bunch of gamecube games, which nobody seemed to care about. We got a bunch of information sheets telling us the pros of GC over the other two sheets. Straight from Nintendo of course. Nobody was too impressed with it.
for X-Box we finally got our demo unit in, but for some reason, we aren\'t allowed to set it up. We at least got to check out the accessories and crap, but didn\'t et to play it. We also watched a looping demo of a bunch of X-Box games. For some reason, they didn\'t show Dead or Alive 3, which would\'ve made people more excited, but on a whole, the Best Buy employees were excited.
We also got to watch some PS2 videos. This is where I saw the NFL2K2 video for PS2. I don\'t know if it is available on the web, but if it is, find it!, it is amazing looking!
hopefully we will soon be able to play the damn things soon, after all it is only two weeks til they launch! This isn\'t the best way to build hype! Dreamcast had demo units up at least a month before they launch. and I know PS2 had demo untis up around then, too.
Eric Jacob