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Author Topic: Gamecube and Xbox impressions  (Read 794 times)

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Gamecube and Xbox impressions
« on: November 11, 2001, 05:49:22 AM »
I know you\'re probably sick of reading these, but I thought it might help somebody. Feel free to PM me if you want more details or anything else. I\'ll check often.

Let\'s start off with the Xbox. I have played this a ton. I don\'t think there is a video game store without an Xbox kiosk. I think MS is doing a great job of making sure EVERYBODY gets a chance to play the Xbox before it comes out. My only complaint is that about 1/3 of the Xbox kiosks were broken when I saw them. Anyway, on to the reivew.

Controller: This is definitely NOT a bad controller. I don\'t know what people are talking about. It feels great in your hands and is very comfortable. Button-placement is the only problem. Not enough to make me dislike it, though.
Overall rating: 8/10

Halo: Great game. Definitely a must-buy. Very nice graphics and the gameplay is excellent. Not too hard, not too easy. Again, if you don\'t buy it, you\'re crazy.
Overall rating: 9/10

Munch\'s Odyssee: Great graphics and somewhat innovative gameplay. I liked how you had to use both characters to complete your goal. I could see it getting boring for some people after a while.
Overall rating: 8/10

Now to the GameCube. Unlike the Xbox which I have played a lot, I\'ve only played the GC once. Not many stores seem to have a GC kiosk up. The only store that had one was Wal-Mart (I checked EB, Funcoland, Gamestop, Toys R Us, etc.).

Controller: Excellent. Best controller I\'ve used. Ever. Shoulder buttons are perfectly placed as are the rest of the buttons (the Z button is slightly off, but not as bad as some make it out to be).
Overall rating: 9.5/10

Luigi\'s Mansion: Great graphics and excellent gameplay. I really enjoyed this game for the 15 mins. I played it. The learning curve is slightly larger than Wave Race and Rogue Leader. Most reviewers say the game gets boring after 8 hrs., but seeing that I only played for 15 mins., I can\'t comment on that.
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Rogue Leader: This is a must buy, IMO. Excellent graphics and a just a very fun game. Definitely the best game out of the three I played for GC. Its not the same as the N64 version as some people say. For some of the people who aren\'t good at air combat games (like me), they have added a kind of computer targeting mode. Should provide a challenge for gamers of all levels.
Overall rating: 9/10

Wave Race: I am definitely biased here. I didn\'t like the N64 version because it was too hard to win (I\'m an experienced gamer so I can\'t figure out why). The graphics are great, but I\'m not a fan of the game itself. You\'ll probably want to disregard this review.
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Overall, I couldn\'t see much difference between the graphics of the GC and Xbox. Both systems are great and if you have the money I would highly recommend both of them. This took me a long while to create, so please reply. Also, this is my first post, so welcome me.


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