........in fact, not a console......you see, I have a PS2, and plan on getting an X-Box and mayby a Gamecube, but all this stuff about the next-gen consoles selling like hot cakes makes me worried about the fate of the true ultimate gaming machinge-the PC.
I really think the PC (as a gaming machine, natch) is about to tumble. Which is unfortunate, as it has the greatest games (in my opinion) Little Big Adventure, Half-Life, Outcast, Deus-Ex, Monkey Island, Commandos, Sytem Shock2, Theif, Broken Sword, ect.........
The X-Box is being critsicised for having PC-style games, but with dwindling games sales, and publishers turning their attention away from the PC, I think it would be no bad thing if any of the consoles was stuffed with PC-style games--they need to be enjoyed and experienced by more people. I think PC games and console games can\'t be sepperate any more--PC games need to merge with consoles, and become one (or something. :rolleyes: )