Originally posted by rastalant
First off I\'m not an xbox fanboy. What when someone bashes nintendo you get offend don\'t you? I\'m an all around gamer. As for J & D played it before thats what I\'m bases this off of. Imo malice looks better you must be too much of a sony fanboy to admit it. Heh.......i can easily beat you in a debate. I like said if I\'m a xbox fanboy why did i buy 2 ps2, 2 ps1, dc, saturn, 2 pc, n64, and an xbox.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Get your facts straight before you talk okay.
Just because you have all those consoles doesn\'t render the FANBOY comment obselete. But I guess, Hmm, to much of a sony fanboy to admit that Malice looks nice? Read my very first post in the thread dude. Simple as that. I said, GOD DAMN!! That 2nd pic looks nice. Rasta man, Easily beat me in a debate? Hmm, That may be half true. ****, I own a PSX, PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast, PC(yes its for gaming) GBA, getting a GC soon, as well as trying to locate a saturn, Neo Geo, SNES, and NES that are properly working. So there for, I guess I\'m in need of getting some consoles in my collection. I\'ve owned those previous mentioned, but none of them stayed working that long:( But anyways, Rasta, lets just stop the dissing each other here, because its gotten quite a bit out of hand. So...check your PM though. Peace.