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Author Topic: Let there be light! (GBA)  (Read 892 times)

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Let there be light! (GBA)
« on: February 14, 2002, 12:29:29 AM »

I\'m sure you\'ve all seen the site, but it\'s been updated in a big way.  The kit will be $35 and will include the folowing items:

  • 1 x light guide + light source: This is what makes the Portable Monopoly kit tick. It will fit inside your system casing, above the LCD and below the plastic screen cover. This miraculous device is just over 1 mm thick and has undergone painstaking customization by the best in the industry to give the clearest and brightest picture possible.
  • 1 x on/off switch: A bushing mount on/off switch will be included with the kit. It can be attached to various places on the system casing (although we will have some suggestions), and will be responsible for turning the light on and off separately from the system power. For those who would rather have the light on at all times, the switch can be omitted to make this modification easier to perform.
  • 2 ft. insulated electrical wire: 2 feet is a lot more than you\'ll need for this modification, but everyone makes mistakes… This hand picked, thin gauge, form holding copper wiring eliminates the headache of fiddling with thicker, unbendable wire.
  • 1 x modification tutorial: Our step-by-step guide will outline the modification process in very simple language yet will also include tech. notes for more advanced installers.

Orders will be taken in March, and the kit will ship in April.  To install the kit, you will need the following items:

  • A soldering iron + solder: Most of you will already have access to one of these, whether you actually own one or can borrow one from a friend. The amount of solder needed is tiny, and the soldering job is quick and simple. Just about any tip will do, this isn\'t a precision job.
  • Wire Strippers: While it can be done with a pair of scissors, stripping leads on the wire ends is much more easily done with even the cheapest wire stripper.
  • A knife or razor blade: A small amount of the plastic hidden under the black/clear screen cover will have to be cut to allow the light to fit in the case. The plastic is extremely soft, so just about and sharp object can be used. For safety purposes (and legal issues galore), we will officially recommend that a Dremel tool be used. After the system is put back together when the modification is complete, this cutting will not be visible in any way.
  • An appropriate screwdriver: The GBA uses proprietary (at least in this country they are) triangular screws. We\'ve found that a 2/16" flathead screwdriver works perfectly at getting these off. One of these can be had at your local Sears for next to nothing.
  • Recommended - "Canned Air Dust Remover": Before closing up your system after performing this modification, you\'ll most likely want to get rid of any dust/hairs that found their way into the system during the process. The right kind of cloth can take care of that, but nothing beats canned air for getting the job done just right. These can be found almost anywhere.
  • Recommended - Screen Cover replacement from Nintendo: If you\'re screen cover is scratched and/or dented, now\'s the perfect time to pitch it and replace it with a new one from Nintendo\'s online store.

Damn.  I\'ll be getting one of these as soon as it is released.  With the new low price of the GBA and the kit, the total comes to 100 bucks of pure 32-bit gaming, handheld style.  Damn, I am excited about this.
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2002, 12:33:14 AM »
Hahaaha, next time use [informercial][/informercial] tags please!

Oh... well, I don\'t have a problem with GBAs lighting... but the on/off switch thing pretty much sold me on the concept.
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2002, 01:55:12 AM »
Wow, just like cell phone backlights... Try putting some blue leds. lol

Offline mm
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2002, 03:23:20 AM »
hmmm, ive been following the development of this for some time now

it goes under the plastic screen thats over the LCD screen, this is bad

once you pop that protective screen off, you cant just put it back on.  we will have to send away for a new one from the big "N"

looks like "portablemonopoly" is making money for nintendo afterall
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2002, 09:24:32 AM »
I\'ve been following their progress too, seems like a great idea, I\'ll just wait for Ryu\'s comment on his set and see if it\'s worth getting one for myself :p
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Offline mm
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2002, 10:09:30 AM »
im definately gonna get one for 35$
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2002, 10:15:16 AM »
I want one of those... I hope it comes here, or at least I can buy one online...
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Offline Watchdog
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2002, 11:40:27 AM »
I\'ve always maintained that i\'ll wait until N releases a backlit unit--and you know they will.
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Offline mm
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2002, 11:44:15 AM »
they wouldnt do that

nintendo likes to screw thier customers in the butt, repeatedly
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2002, 12:12:46 PM »
*rolls eyes*

Yep, Nintendo likes to screw their customers. Remember that time that Nintendo killed their home console after not-even 2 years of release and went 3rd-party? Yeah, yeah.. since then I hate Nintendo.. ;)

Seriously though, I sincerely doubt that Nintendo will release a back-lit GBA in the US. Mostly because it\'s not required. I\'ve spent 60+ hours on my GBA without a backlight (nor a Worm Light or any variant) and it works great. The only game I repeatedly cursed at was Castlevania.

That said, I\'m planning to buy Portable Monopoly\'s backlight. That on-off action is going to be great!
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2002, 12:22:04 PM »
N did it with the Gameboy, what makes you think they won\'t do it with the GBA?  Then they\'ll release a repainted Pokemon edition, then a Pokemon silver edition, a Pokemon gold edition, ad nauseum.  They do this to screw people around and make more money.

They could release new face plates (like cell phones), but they wouldn\'t make as much money so they gouge their fanbase so they can get as much as they can.

Then they release a console, gouge devs with proprietary costs to the point where no one wants to work with them and their console has no games of worth with the exception of first and second party.

Don\'t sit there and defend N against the repeated ass pounding they give to their consumers.

I don\'t hate N for it, it\'s good business and they make money--I would do the same thing.  But N is just as money hungry and unethical as any other company.
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Offline ooseven
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Let there be light! (GBA)
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2002, 12:38:08 PM »
//ooseven puts his cartman voice on

"now lets see.... spend $35 or lose my Eye sight .... spend $35 or lose my Eye sight .... spend $35 or lose my Eye sight ".

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