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Author Topic: Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)  (Read 1511 times)

Offline FatalXception
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2002, 08:01:05 PM »
Originally posted by mm
nah , abortion, prochoice = good.
and death penalty = bad.

what more is there?

Yep, I totally agree with these points of view, mm! :laughing:

Murphy\'s Law - What can go wrong, will.
Poker Law      - Magnum .44 beats four aces.
Cole\'s Law      - Thinly sliced cabbage.

Offline ooseven
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2002, 01:51:36 AM »
i don\'t mind paying for online games !

as long as the money is used to maintain the servers and keep the game community going !


Stable servers
Intellegent Updates (anything as long as it not as bad a Tribes 2)
Account insurence

So far i am willing to pay for FF11 and Project Ego as i think the cost will be worth it.
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Offline mm
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2002, 03:30:19 AM »
no way im paying 120$ a year for online when i can just use my PC

i severely doubt sony will charge for online play also
it will be another nail for them to drive into the coffin
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Offline EmperorRob
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2002, 10:57:47 AM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
The reason the model is different is because MS is going to be supplying and maintaining the servers.  They want to create an entire online community with a messanger service and world rankings etc.
I did not pay $299 b/c I wanted to use MSN messenger or AIM on my X-box.
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies

Offline Watchdog
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2002, 12:45:02 PM »
If Square wants to charge an additional fee then that\'s their perrogative.  MS wouldn\'t stop them.

And actually that is exactly what 3rd parties want--do you think that Acclaim wants to setup and maintain their own servers?  No, they don\'t.  If MS says you provide the content we\'ll provide the arena then MS should get all the money.

Yes mm, but with the PC you have to put up with cheaters, lots of lag, and general assholes.  Is there a PC game that can claim otherwise?  Nope.

IF, and I say if, MS can deliver a stable, lag free/cheat free environment then $120 bucks is nothing--that\'s not even a day\'s work.  Just the knowledge that I\'m not going to get fragged because of lag or some aim bot is enough of an incentive to pay.  

mm, Sony has already stated that they\'ll charge for online-so there.  The rumour is that they\'re waiting to see what MS charges and then set their price point.

And Rob, no I didn\'t buy an xbox for messenger either, but I have a lot of friends online and maybe you do, but I don\'t want to call each of them everytime I want to play a game.  If I could check an ICQ-ish list, see what my friends are playing and then make a determination of whether or not to join them--then yes that is valuable.  Your cursorary dismissal is obviously a little premature.
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Offline Chrono
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2002, 01:00:13 PM »
*precedes to tear watchdog apart*

Yes mm, but with the PC you have to put up with cheaters, lots of lag, and general assholes. Is there a PC game that can claim otherwise? Nope.

So, you think that will magically disapear on the Xbox.. you gotta be kidding me


mm, Sony has already stated that they\'ll charge for online-so there. The rumour is that they\'re waiting to see what MS charges and then set their price point.

Uhh. moron
they said they were NOT charging for online gaming for their first party games.

Source: since you obviously don\'t belive a word I say

Hirai stated that all initial first-party online PlayStation 2 games would be available for play free of charge. Hirai then presumably took a shot at Microsoft by stating, "We believe that this approach is truly extending the PlayStation 2 gaming experience into the world of online content versus forcing a strategy on the market that it is not ready to embrace."

Offline Ashford
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2002, 02:07:44 PM »

YOU are in absolutely NO position to call ANYONE a "moron" and especially not Watchdog when you don\'t even know the difference between "precede" and "proceed"...

July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Watchdog
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2002, 02:09:55 PM »
Yes the cheaters and lag will dissappear because everyone will log on with a unique number that is transmitted by the xbox automatically--without it you can\'t go online.  If someone cheats, they get a warning, if it happens again then action is taken.  Plus this isn\'t a PC, cheating is MUCH more difficult.

So yes Chrono, cheaters magically dissappear.

If the DC showed us anything is that with static hardware, a 56k modem can produce great results, almost lag free.  With a broadband connection and dedicated xbox servers, yes the experience could very well be lag free.

Chrono, a word of advice, you lack the intelligence to tear anyone\'s argument apart (let alone "precede" to do anything lol).

Either I was wrong or Sony changed their initial plans, regardless PS2 owners are going to eventually have to buy an HD and a modem and there will be 3rd party fees, that will not be inclusive--and for your information Chrono that means that if you want to play 6 games that are online with 3rd party fees, then you will have to pay 6 times.

And what does this mean:

Hirai stated that all initial first-party online PlayStation 2 games would be available for play free of charge

"Initial", meaning that subsequent releases may have fees?  Doesn\'t sound free to me.  Also, as far as I\'m concerned, you get what you pay for.  Your going to have dialup people lagging servers, no policing or stability in terms of servers and the numbers of them.  Plus, how many 3rd party companies can afford let alone want to run their own servers?

If you want to argue online, the PS2 isn\'t in the same league as xbox.  How many people are going to buy the modem for the PS2 keeping in mind that only 10% of PS1 owners bought a dual shock controller/second controller?  And then when games start requiring the HD (at least another $100), how many people are going to buy that?

With the xbox, MS had a plan--no need to buy addons.  There will be an option under multiplayer or something that says play online and that\'s it, you are playing.  MS has servers, they will maintain and police them.  They have voice communication and all companies are using it.  There will be atleast 12 games in September that will play online.

On the other hand, PS2 game makers are going to have to decide whether it\'s worth catering to a minority market and add online content.  Some will, but it will always be an afterthought.

You can argue the PS2 vs the xbox, but PS2 online vs xbox online is no contest.
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Offline Chrono
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2002, 02:16:46 PM »
LMAO :laughing:  at Ashford.. and his grammar lesson, get a life bud, this is the internet, i\'m not writing an essay thats going to be graded.

LMAO :laughing:  at Watchdog\'s whole post.. dude, I really don\'t know what to say.. its just so hillarious how much of a xbox fanboy you are.

Offline Chrono
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2002, 03:11:22 PM »
btw, the grammar in your sentence was wrong..

YOU are in absolutely NO position to call ANYONE a "moron" and especially not Watchdog when you don\'t even know the difference between "precede" and "proceed"...

You have missing commas, and incorrectly used “and.”

The correct sentence would be,

YOU are in absolutely NO position to call ANYONE a "moron", especially not Watchdog, when you don\'t even know the difference between "precede" and "proceed"...

"Especially not Watchdog" is a contrasting element that interrupts the sentence; therefore, the contrasting element should be set off from your sentence with commas.

See how silly you sound?
I\'m in the final weeks of college English.. Don’t mess with me in grammar :D

Offline Riku
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2002, 04:21:47 PM »
dude, I really don\'t know what to say

so do us all a favor and don\'t say anything at all...
O rly?

Offline fastson
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2002, 04:51:09 PM »
Most new PS2 games will have a online option. (Infact all Sony inhouse games will have some sort of Online support..)
Sony has the most impressive online games library out of the three.. (IMO)

Socom US Navy Seals - Looks and sounds sweet. Picture running around in a jungle.. Playin co-op over the net shooting down some drug lords! :)

Twisted Metal Online - This should be great. Fast paced online action!

Ace Combat Online - Falcon4 will feel the heat from my Fox2 up is bottom :fro:

Tribes Aerial Assault - I only played the demo on my PC. I liked it. I would have bought it if it didnt run so damn slow!
This game has been optimized for PS2.. Last E3 is looked great and ran smooth.

TimeSplitters 2 - This is only rumoured to be online, but it just got delayed so chances are they are putting in some online modes :)

The Getaway - I heard SCEE added Online support to this game. Would be sweet running around in London having a shootout by some famous building.

Armoured Core 3 - I saw it on Sonys Online list.. But under another name. Armoured Core Sigma

Resident Evil Online - 2-4 (co-op) players trying to escape from the zombie infested Racoon City.

GTA Miami/ GTA4 - One of them (or both) will more than likely be online. There were rumours that they would make GTA4 like a MOMG (Massive Online Multiplayer Game)..
All I can say is.. GANG WARS! :nerd:

Gran Turismo 4 - This one is going to be sweet! :)
Along with Auto Model lista.

Kessen IV - Huge wars!

And a bunch of other Online titles (Bomberman Online, Clockwork Online, All the sports games, some SEGA online Racer.. bla bla bla..)

So I think the $39.99 that the BBA costs is worth it.
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
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Offline Watchdog
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2002, 07:35:10 PM »
I\'m not going to get into a debate about which online games will be better (Unreal, Brute Force, GTA4, Timesplitters 2, Halo Online, Mechwarrior, Crimson Skies, etc), but speaking strictly about the hardware, the commitment, the plan and the attitude, MS is way ahead of Sony.

Yes, Chrono, you have nothing to say because like I said you lack the necessary intelligence to do so.

And actually, Chrono, both sentences are correct, but having read your posts the last couple of weeks I seriously doubt you have any higher-level English training.
btw, the grammar in your sentence was wrong..

Incorrect tense.

You have missing commas, and incorrectly used “and.”

Missing commas?  Lol, traditionally called comma splices.

The correct sentence would be,

This is an improper use of the comma, and the wrong tense (not to mention terrible prose).

I\'m in the final weeks of college English.. Don’t mess with me in grammar

I don\'t know what this is, but it\'s not English.  Improper use of the ellipsis, awkward sentence structure and that last clause is guttural and idiomatic.

See how silly you sound?

While this is correct it makes me laugh given the above.

Furthermore, you don\'t know the difference between your or you\'re, lay and lie or precede or proceed.  If you are taking English at college (I can\'t believe this), I have serious reservations about the education system in the state of Florida.

Hey, I know all about churning out a message in a forum and having a general disregard for grammar and style, but your posts are intelligible, confusing and show no signs of higher thought in terms of sentence structure, organization, vocabulary or style (I could have ended this sentence after \'thought\' and it would still be true).  And I would think that someone giving a grammar lesson on a public forum would be very careful to ensure that his prose is, at the very least, somewhat cognizant of the basic tenants of his chosen discipline.

Before you lie, Chrono, perhaps you should consider if you can actually convince anyone of it.
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Offline Chrono
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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2002, 07:43:46 PM »
Dude, Watchdog
F****** grow the hell up
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Massive $ in MS\'s Eyes (online play)
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2002, 07:51:18 PM »

The point has been made and heard.  No need to bicker people.
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.


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