Originally posted by kangu-G^Ltt^s
How about gameplay?
An interesting challenge to keep you playing; a clever reward for your efforts; something to look forward to in the game; an element of exploration or discovery; action sequences that require some amount of finger dexterity; puzzles that get you to use your grey matter...
wtf? an interesting challenge to keep you playing?
1. the games story was kinda interesting from a platforming perspective..
2. the idea of collecting items for an actual purpose is much MUCH more rewarding than "collect 100 coins and get an extra life" and what not.. what the hell are you talking about?
3. Something to look forward to? like what? theres nothing in any other platformer ive played that has had \'something to look forward to\' other than finishing the game/finding out more story.. this at least does have new acesssible areas, vehicles, enemies, challenges, storyline of course.. and others
4. an element of exploration and discovery??? come on man, this has more of that than any platformer ive ever played.. particular with the implementation of having an entire world renderred, rather than just a singular level to go through over and over (7 times perhaps

) to get everything..
5. there are plenty of action sequences, my personal fav. part of the game is using the hover vehicles, damn that can get like Pod Racer sometimes
6. Puzzles? eh, yeah there are some of that