It looks like Australia is getting an even better deal. On April 26th (the same day as the Europe price cut) the Xbox price will be cut to 399!! (That\'s only $215 USD!!!) That means that the PS2 at 499 ($270 USD) will actually be
more expensive than the Xbox in Australia. And when the NGC is released there on May 17th, the Xbox will cost exactly the same amount. :eek:,2000027223,20264690,00.htmAlso, the new Xbox price in Europe is very close to the NGC\'s price (which will be launched on May 3rd, one week after the price cut).
One word comes to mind: Kamikaze! Just think of how much money Microsoft will be losing trying to get their console to sell well. They will be losing about $135 for every console sold in Australia after this price cut.
Now the question remains, what about Japan and America? Will Japan see a price cut even after its already low price there, or will they decide to pull out of Japan altogether because of the extremely poor sales since launch? And what will happen when Sony drops the US PS2 price this E3? Will Microsoft follow up with their own price cut? And will Sony follow up with another Europe/Australia price cut to counteract Microsoft? This is getting pretty intense! This is what competition does to the industry -- drives down prices! Woohoo!

In the next year or so, we could experience one of the biggest price drop wars in video game history.

(OT -- now if only Sony would make a handheld to compete with Nintendo.
