Originally posted by Clowd
ok so final fantasy goes from play station one to play station two. not really multi console in my opinion unless the same game gets made on a different system made by a different company
Well Mario debuted in SMB1 in 1985, so you\'ve been gaming since then or a year or so later.
But Final Fantasy has been on the NES that you started with, the SNES that you graduated to, the PS1 that you went to, the PS2 that I assume you own, the PC that you\'re typing on, it\'s coming to Gamecube and Gameboy Advance, and I wouldn\'t be so shocked if FFXI hit Xbox, but I think that rumor died...
I mean really, you didn\'t think they just started the series at number seven, did you?
Basically, rather than being wrong so much, just stick to saying things you know are true. ;]