With all the hub-bub goin\' on (why? I don\'t know) about Retro\'s own Metriod Prime , Intelligent System\'s GBA Metriod Fusion seems to be getting ignored, which is a sad thing indeed as Fusion may very well be one of the best 2D games to come along and is a stellar entry into the Metriod series, even if it does go off track some.
Taking place right after Super Metriod , our hero Samus is doin\' a routine check and is infected with the virus simply known as \'X\'. This virus infects its prey and mimcs them. Well, as luck would have it, she was saved by a Metriod vaccine - but still some of her parts was infected and were sent off to a lab / planet. Natrually, these parts all come alive, the whole place is infected and you have a doppleganger simply known as \'SA-X\'. It\'s actually a pretty good sci-fi storyline even if it is cliche\'.
First things first, the game does play different than the beloved Super Metriod. Super Metriod was known for the free-roaming, do whatever you wanted to do type of gameplay (later mimiced by Konami\'s Castlevania series). Well, Fusion gets rid of that. You now have rooms called "navigation points" where your computer named "Adam" talks to you, gives you the map of the sector you will be goin\' to and explains your objective. It is indeed very linear and there isn\'t a whole lot of exploring. However, it works out. The way the game is designed you know the computer is holding your hand, guiding you through it, but yet you still feel like you\'re in control.
Another reason I can\'t complain about the new set up is because it is actually there for a reason. Fusion has a deep storyline, unlike previous Metriod games and the story progresses as certain events unfold. For the story to be told as Intelligent System\'s wanted it to be, there had to be a linear gameplay system set up. You couldn\'t free-roam like the previous Metriods.
Still, I\'m sure some will miss the old style (rightfully so), but this is honestly a great 2D game.
As for the graphics - they look like a Super-NES game. They\'re well detailed, animated nicely and all that good stuff. It won\'t win any awards for graphical achievements (tho\' the cinemas are nice) but it won\'t hurt your eyes either.
Now for the big question - how long is it? Honestly, I don\'t know. I\'m about an hour into it and feel like there is a lot left, but I also have read that you can get different endings for goin\' at it in 2 hours. So, it is up to you. Speed through it or take your time. I\'m taking my time.
There is also the bonus items of if you beat Fusion, trasnfering the Fusion armor over into Metriod Prime and playin\' the original Metriod game . Trival? Yes. Fun? No doubt.
Overall, my first impressions are very high for this game. It does the Metriod series justice and takes some liberties of its own to the classic franchise.
Great job on Intelligent Systems part.