I think Splinter Cell is an amazing game. I honestly believe it is a better game than MGS 2.
As far as I can see, people seem to be playing the game the wrong way. You don\'t have to sneak past everyone, I found certain area\'s were easier to get past if I knocked out a few guards.
For example, if there’s a few guards in a certain area, it might be easier to get past them if you take them out. First I would take out the first guy (out of sight of any other guards), you can either sneak up behind them and clonk them on the head or shoot them as long as you are out of hearing distance from the other guards.
You can get accurate head shots if you allow him time to line up his shot.
As far as guards being on heightened sense of awareness, that’s because you have either been seen or heard. The music changes if the guards are looking for something suspicious.
If all else fails and you alert the guards, simply kill them and move on to the next area. You might want to hide the bodies.
By the way you don\'t have to read the data sticks, if you check your notes it summarises the important stuff like door lock codes, etc.