The thread title is the first words that came out of my mouth when assembling the Steel Battalion controller. Yes, folks my very own copy of the infamous 47 button Steel Battalion has arrived and I must say , it\'s friggin\' cool, if not a tad on the difficult side.
This is by no means a review, because I\'m having problems making it past mission one, due to difficulity and not being the greatest mech pilot in the world. However, let me address some stuff.
First off, the controller is awesome. It\'s huge, feels expensive and flashes . I\'m sorry, but this controller should be standard on every Mech game.
Second, the graphics. Capcom went for an intentional grainy look, but in my opinion it hurts the game. The game is by no means a beautiful game from the start and the grain only makes matters worse.
Overall so far it has been an interesting and exciting game - but very damn hard. Maybe I wasn\'t meant to pilot a Mech or maybe Capcom wanted to make it extremely difficult, either way the difficulity is way up there.