"A sequel to FFVII?" comments Kitase while laughing. "In truth, there are many who\'d like to make such a game, Nomura, who\'s working on Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, included. Many of the Square staff participated in the development of FFVII, and the memories are strong. Additionally, expressing the world of FFVII using today\'s technology would certainly be interesting (laughs).
"However, FFVII still has many fans," he continues. "We couldn\'t make a bad product (laughs)."
Continuing in response to the question of his team\'s plans for the term beginning April of 2003 (FFX-2 comes out in March), Kitase says, "Our plans are not yet set for the coming term. Whether we\'ll work on a brand new title or a sequel to a title that we already have I don\'t know yet, but I\'d personally like to make something new."
So, to recap, Kitase laughs a lot and many of the Square staff has interest in a sequel to FFVII while Kitase himself is more interested in working on something new. The majority of Kitase\'s R&D 1 staff worked on FFVII, though, so if were were to see a FFVII-2 (a game which, we fear, would almost certainly feature a love sequence involving Tifa and and jive-talkin\' Barret), Kitase and his team would be the likeliest source."
If this is true this might be cool but square must really be out of ideas or something this is taking milking to a new level