Yesterday I had made a deal with myself not to watch the news anymore. The 5 o\'clock news OK but not this war coverage. But for the last time I tuned into Fox news.
The first thing I heard was that a group of Iraqis, about 16, charged a U.S. tank with only machine guns. The reporter said that a U.S. general said that the tank had "mowed" them down.
Next was the O\'Reily factor. I never had any idea what type of man this was until now. When he bragged about the U.S. killing as many as 100,000 Iraqis already, my heart just dropped in hearing that 100,000 people had been/will be murdered. This is so much worst then 9-11...But I still listened...and when O\'Reily said U.S. troops should just enter Baghdad put as much pressure as possible on them and "splatter" Iraqis everywhere, I changed the headline news..more bragging about death and what they have destroyed..I pulled the plug on the TV. A couple of minutes later I began weeping for a hour.
This war, has tore at me and wore me down to the point my heart feels like I\'ve just lost a family member in death, a sick feeling.
My anger for the unjustise of this all even pushed my heart to feel joy when I heard that any of the Americans were killed over there.
I have a request. That George W. Bush not say "may God continue to bless" or "God is with us" because if God is supporting this war, I tell you there is no God.