Meh i only played a little atari at first and things like coleco vision but my loves were NES and Genesis w/o a doubt. So i guess SNES "won" the 16 bit battle but to me genesis was... ahhhhhhh
. Playing sonic one with my older sister or street fighter, and streets of rage. The music was kool too. Then when jaguar and 3do came around i didnt know much and in the gameinformers they said that they were promising so unknowingly i nagged for one or the other and thankfully never got one. Now i have both and got them for free with games, good for collection, yes yes. Uhmmmm and then when i didnt get a saturn i got a psx for my sisters bday, (she never played as much so i took it
). Thats when i became pseudo-hardcore. The rest is all gravy and will be told in a new age of reminiscing. And that as they say is that.
(yeah long i know :rolleyes: )