Originally posted by The Hurricane
Our economy is screwed either way, might as well go down as a fight.
9/11 was only about 60 billion., But what does that say about Bush and his priorities?
1.) Kick Iraqi people\'s ass and end the regime.
2.) Pay the price later. He shouln\'t spend the money he doesn\'t have.
Money is everything in the world. Yes you might say that human lifes are worth more than any amount of money. But he should think about the future. When the war is over? How is he going to respond to the lack of money? How will the people respond? Sure you say it\'s for a good cause, but im sure you will have problems with it when you start seeing the problems emerge.
And Jump is right, he shouln\'t be spending so much money on a war that isn\'t needed.
I had NO idea Jumpman was against the war also. Usually you\'re my enemy in these kinds of arguments.