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Author Topic: A Costly Charade At the U.N.  (Read 996 times)

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A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« on: March 05, 2003, 06:54:12 AM »
Here\'s a nice article that shows how useless the the UN is in it\'s current form and how we should restructure our alliances.

You can click me if you want!


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Offline GigaShadow
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A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2003, 07:37:54 AM »
Text of the article for the lazy:

A Costly Charade At the U.N.

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, February 28, 2003; Page A23

America goes courting Guinea, Cameroon and Angola in search of the nine Security Council votes necessary to pass our new resolution on Iraq.

The absurdity of the exercise mirrors the absurdity of the United Nations itself. Guinea is a perfectly nice place and Guineans perfectly nice people. But from the dawn of history to the invention of the United Nations, it made not an ounce of difference what a small, powerless, peripheral country thought about a conflict thousands of miles away. It still doesn\'t, except at the Alice-in-Wonderland United Nations, where Guinea and Cameroon and Angola count.

For a day. As soon as their votes are cast, they will sink again into obscurity. In the meantime, however, we\'ll have to pay them off. Their price will be lower than Turkey\'s, but, then again, Turkey is offering something tangible -- territory from which to launch a second front. Guinea will be offering a raised hand at a table in New York.

The entire exercise is ridiculous, but for unfathomable reasons it matters to many, both at home and around the world, that the United States should have the permission of Guinea to risk the lives of American soldiers to rid the world -- and the long-suffering Iraqi people -- of a particularly vicious and dangerous tyrant.

It is only slightly less absurd that we should require the assent of France. France pretends to great-power status but hasn\'t had it in 50 years. It was given its permanent seat on the Security Council to preserve the fiction that heroic France was part of the great anti-Nazi alliance rather than a country that surrendered and collaborated.

A half-century later, that charade has proved costly. In order to appease the French, we negotiated Security Council Resolution 1441, which France has thoroughly trashed and yet which has delayed American action for months.

Months for the opposition to mobilize itself, particularly in Britain, where Tony Blair is now hanging by a thread. Months for Hussein to augment his defenses and plan the sabotage and other surprises he has in store when the war starts. Months, most importantly, that threaten to push the fighting into a season of heat and sandstorms that may cost the lives of brave Americans. We will have France to thank for that.

France is not doing this to contain Iraq -- France spent the entire 1990s weakening sanctions and eviscerating the inspections regime as a way to end the containment of Iraq. France is doing this to contain the United States. As I wrote last week, France sees the opportunity to position itself as the leader of a bloc of former great powers challenging American supremacy.

That is a serious challenge. It requires a serious response. We need to demonstrate that there is a price to be paid for undermining the United States on a matter of supreme national interest.

First, as soon as the dust settles in Iraq, we should push for an expansion of the Security Council -- with India and Japan as new permanent members -- to dilute France\'s disproportionate and anachronistic influence.

Second, there should be no role for France in Iraq, either during the war, should France change its mind, or after it. No peacekeeping. No oil contracts. And France should be last in line for loan repayment, after Russia. Russia, after all, simply has opposed our policy. It did not try to mobilize the world against us.

Third, we should begin laying the foundation for a new alliance to replace the now obsolete Cold War alliances. Its nucleus should be the "coalition of the willing" now forming around us. No need to abolish NATO. The grotesque performance of France, Germany and Belgium in blocking aid to Turkey marks the end of NATO\'s useful life. Like the United Nations, it will simply wither of its own irrelevance.

We should be thinking now about building the new alliance structure around the United States, Britain, Australia, Turkey, such willing and supportive Old Europe countries as Spain and Italy, and the New Europe of deeply pro-American ex-communist states. Add perhaps India and Japan and you have the makings of a new post-9/11 structure involving like-minded states that see the world of the 21st century as we do: threatened above all by the conjunction of terrorism, rogue states and weapons of mass destruction. As part of that rethinking, we should redeploy our bases in Germany to Eastern Europe, which is not just friendlier but closer to the theaters of the new war.

This is all for tomorrow. The imperative today is to win the war in Iraq. However, winning the peace will mean not just the reconstruction of Iraq. It will mean replacing an alliance system that died some years ago, but whose obituary was written only this year. In French, with German footnotes.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2003, 07:43:19 AM »
As for the article it hits on one very valid point regardless of where you stand on Iraq.  The current alliances we now have are outdated and should be realigned.  NATO should be reorganized around the countries mentioned in the article (European ones).  The Cold War is over and our current alliance structure is irrelevant now that the USSR and the Warsaw Pact are gone.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2003, 01:29:40 PM »
Because if there is one thing the world needs in this day in age, it is a massive split of powers! just like picking teams for dodgeball! i call Britan they can nuke the hell out of france!
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Re: A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2003, 04:01:15 AM »
Originally posted by Ace
Here\'s a nice article that shows how useless the the UN is in it\'s current form and how we should restructure our alliances.

You can click me if you want!


i don\'t know why your soo worried about ?

the US hasn\'t payed their membership to the UN in

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A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2003, 04:24:33 AM »
Yeah ooseven.  We don\'t give any money to anyone.

Now where\'s that rollseyes smiley?
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A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2003, 12:40:26 PM »
Oh please... we pay more than any one country does to the UN.  The whole EU pays about what the US does.  Is that fair?  Not to mention almost one third of the peacekeeping budget as well.

"In addition to the bill for 25 percent of the United Nations regular annual $1 billion budget, the United States is charged for
30 percent of the separate, fluctuating peacekeeping budget, which in the coming year is likely to total more than $2.5 billion."

LINK:  http://www.clw.org/pub/clw/un/nytimes10-00.html

Who led the push to make the US pay its lopsided dues or lose its vote... hmmm I wonder...

"UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 2 The European Union today rebuffed an American request to have Washington\'s dues to the United Nations lowered, as a crucial review of how much each country should contribute to the organization\'s budget began.

The European message, delivered by Ambassador Jean-David Levitte of France, which now holds the union\'s rotating presidency, echoes voices of opposition from Japan, other Asian countries and a number of developing nations that reject a reduction in dues for the United States, the country with the world\'s largest and arguably strongest economy. "

The French.

This is a global scheme to weaken the US economically IMHO and as a result politically.  France has been trying to be the big man in the UN for years as this article is dated in October of 2000 and goes further back to the mid 1990\'s.  

Also interesting to note... Since the UN lifted some of the trade restrictions with Iraq who has been benefiting the most?  France of course and its more than just oil production.  For example, the Iraqi telephone company is owned by a French communication company.  France is using the UN as its own stepping stone to protect its OWN interests, not the worlds as it likes to portray itself as doing.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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A Costly Charade At the U.N.
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2003, 01:28:59 PM »
France and Russia both have exploratory oil rights in Iraq so I don\'t give a rats ass what either country thinks.  They have alterior motives to their voting against the UN resolution.

Just the thought of anyone saying the US doesn\'t give money is proposterous.  I wish to God we didn\'t give 1/10th of what we do.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
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