Is this kind of shit going to end anytime soon? The conservative pro-war half of the us population got what they wanted, and we\'re attacking Iraq. In spite of that, these boneheads take the opportunity to use most of their public statement spewing hatred on their own fellow americans. They say "Stand up for America..." What, because some of us didn\'t agree with this course of action, we\'re not part of america? Guess what? WE ARE, and you can\'t make the arguments go away through name calling. ("tree hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippy, tie-dyed liberals")
I rarely hear this kind of mean-spirited bile emanating from the progressive side. I especially dislike all these bizarre inferences that just because Iraq doesn\'t have a First Amendment, that we shouldn\'t exercise our First Amendment rights. I truly don\'t understand that one.
The decision is made, just stop the hating, people.