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Author Topic: My "Raven shield" mini review.  (Read 716 times)

Offline Tyrant
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My "Raven shield" mini review.
« on: April 28, 2003, 05:47:40 AM »
Well after finishing "Rainbow Six 3: Raven shield", I thought it would be fun to write a little review about it :).

So lets get right to it:-

First off,

Graphics- I have to say that this is one hell of a good looking game, the levels have been done with great detail, the explosion and smoke effects (from smoke/frag/tear gas grenades), fire extinguishers, and flash bangs look wonderful.
The weapon models are also nicely detailed and look fabulous ingame, and as I recall this is the first Tom Clancy game in which the weapons are visible in first person mode.
 My only gripe with the graphics is the odd looking cars it seems like very little effort was put in making them.

Game play- The single player mode consists of around 15 missions ranging from hostage rescue, bomb defusal, eliminating the terrorists & infiltration. These missions are set in various locations like a private airport, a meat packaging factory, vehicle showroom, a bank, oil refinery, warehouse...
One lousy thing about the single player missions is that some of the maps are reused i.e. you go back to a level more than once (of course on a different mission)  
Now we come to the fun part, Weapons and equipment:-
 To help you thru your mission, you are provided with a wide assortment of equipment, weapons & explosives
A nice addition to the game is the "heart beat sensor¡" which I¡¦ve found to be quite helpful as it allows you to detect enemies thru walls/doors .
There is also quite literally a ton of weaponry to choose from, from rifles to SMG\'s to pistols.

Rifles include: M16, M4, FAMAS, G36, G3A3, FAL, AK47, FNC, L85A1, AUG, M14, M-82, TAR21, Galil.

SMG¡¦s: MP5A4, Mp5SD5, MP5KPDW, MP5/10A2, UMP, P90, TMP, MTAR-21, Micro-Uzi, Uzi, Sr2, M12, Mac11.

Pistols: 92Fs, Mk23, USP, P228, D.eagle, Belgian pistol (or better known as the 5-7 in CS), SPP.

Sniper rifles: Psg-1, SSG-3000, AW, dragunov, VSS, Barret M82A1, WA-2000.

Shotguns: M1, Spas12, USAS-12.

Machineguns: M249, RPD, 21E, 23E, M60.

Most of the weapons handle nicely, but for me the major problem was adjusting to the recoil of the weapons.
A cool new feature is that you are able to attach a thermal scope to your sniper rifle, effectively making your rifle twice as deadly as you can see thru walls, doors, sealed windows etc¡K
Also some of the SMG\'s like the mac11, micro UZI, CZ-61 can be used as secondary weapons too.
One complaint about some of the weapons especially the sniper rifles are that they are extremely under powered (or at least they seem to be) especially the M82A1 sniper rifle.
I would\'ve also loved to be able to attach an M203 grenade launcher to the M4.

Multi player:- I haven\'t played much of the multi player part of this game so I really cant give a proper impression it right now.

Now I\'ll move to the question-"Will it run on my computer?"  The answer depends on what specs you\'ve got. I tried the game on a P3 800 MHz with 256mb ram, GF2 mx 64mb, Winme and it ran fine on lower resolutions with the exception of a couple 1-2second lockups. But on my current rig which is a P4 1.5 GHz, 256mb RDram, GF4 Ti4200 128mb, win Xp. The game ran smoothly even at resolutions of 1280x1024 with AA (anti aliasing) switched to 4x, and anisotropic filtering set at 4x (some pics are in the hi-Res gallery).

Since most reviews have scores in them, here goes:

Graphics- 4/5
Gameplay- 4.5/5
Sound- 3.5/5
Longevity- 4/5 (score is mostly influenced by the Multiplayer aspect of the game)

I have to admit that I had some serious doubts about getting this game as I thought that it would be a waste of money like "Ghost Recon". But after playing thru the entire game, it appeared to be well worth the money and time spent on it.

pics with AA and aniso on
pics @ 1280x1024 with AA and Aniso set to 4x

If u have gotten this far, Thank you for reading thru it and i really hope that you have enjoyed reading this review :).
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Re: My "Raven shield" mini review.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2003, 07:10:05 AM »
Originally posted by Tyrant
If u have gotten this far, Thank you for reading thru it and i really hope that you have enjoyed reading this review :).

I didn\'t really get that far, I just skipped to the end to see the scores :)

I\'m at school so I didn\'t have time to read it.


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