Ok this is the first negative thing I am going to say regarding the war...
Last night on Fox it was reported that the Gov. of West Virginia is going to make sure his state pays for Lynch\'s college education, I suppose, for being a POW for a WEEK. There are also conflicting reports saying she fired until she had no ammo and killed a few Iraqi soldiers... I doubt this is true, for if it was she would have been dead and not in a hospital bed.
Back to my main point. The real "heroes" in this event are the marines, rangers and spec ops that rescued her (and the Iraqi that helped locate her), but why is it she is a now the poster child for this war? For simply being a POW she gets her college education paid for???? (I thought that is what the GI bill was for) John McCain and numerous others spent years as POW\'s in Vietnam and in other theaters of war in this countries history and this woman spends one week as a POW and is being showered with praise and gifts (yes I consider the state paying for her education a gift - also who knows what else she will get out of this) for doing her job. You might as well hand out "free" education for every servicemember then, but like I said the GI Bill pretty much covers college expenses.
Don\'t get me wrong, I am glad she was rescued, but I am sick of the media and politicians portraying her as some great hero, when in truth she had nothing to do with her rescue and it was the actions of others that made this possible.