I read about two "myths" in the newspaper today..
The first one was about this man, Eric Walderman..
After this picture was published newspapers all over the world started calling him things like "Luckiest man in the world" as his helmet had protected him from four shots to the head.
The truth is, the helmet was hit.. But not while it was on his head.
He had left his helmet by his backpack and the helmet was hit, by friendly fire no less.
He nor his squad did nothing to straighten the facts either.
Second “myth” was about Jessica Lynch .
The truth is that the personnel in the hospital had tried to return her to the American troops the day before they “rescued” her.
As the ambulance driver drove his ambulance (with Jessica inside) towards some American soldiers the soldiers started firing on them.
So the “brave” rescue from the "savage hospital" was perhaps not so great after all?
The doctor who took care of Jessica (and became friends with her) says:
“- What the Americans say is like the myths about Sinbad the Seaman.”
Have you heard about any other myths? If so share them