Originally posted by Paul
"current generation the graphical gap between the consoles. "
I disagree with this statement. In fact, i think the current gen of console has the least gap between them. Sure the XBOX has better texture most of the time but developers who can code the PS2 can give almost an identical version across all platform with only minor differences. Ex: Soul Calibur and BurnOut 2 are such example of games that looks good across multiple platform.
Compare the previous gen, the difference is quite obvious...Saturn has no lightsourcing or lightsourcing with low res and frame rates, PSX has good lightsourcing in hi-res and frame rates, N64 has lower polygon count than PSX and trademark blurry pictures(which can be good or bad, depending on how u look at it).
Anyway, I think SONY shouldn\'t release their console early for the next gen...just wait a while to see what MS and N has in store first.
Perhaps you are right.But in some degree me thinks though.Althouh some developers offered graphical wonders like GT3, Burnout2, SH3, ZOE2 etc there is still no game on the PS2 having all kinds of effects and high resolution textures at the same time.Each game has numerous effects another good looking game doesnt.
Effects rarely seen on the PS2 are very very common on XBOX.The enviromental mapping seen on Cars in GT3 exists almost on every XBOX racing game and looks better too.Some textures in Burnout 2 look blurry and the water effects in the sea arent realistic.
And no matter how much we dont want to accept it XBOX\'s texture capabilities are better looking than PS2\'s.Numerous PS2 games near(not as good) some XBOX games in texture quality.
Few games on PS2 look superb, and
many games on XBOX look superb.
An example of a game with graphics that PS2 cant reach is Panzer Dragoon Orta which has countless of moving objects on screen, countless kinds of effects(bumb mapping,enviromental mapping,reflections etc),high resolution textures, a "limitless" view distance etc all running at 60fps.
The example u mentioned (Soul Calibur2) doesnt use XBOX\'s extra capabilities.Its a perfect port of the Arcade version only with slightly higher resolution surfaces and textures.I compared the japaneese XBOX version of Soul Calibur2 with DOA3 and DOA3 looks way better.
For the past generation Saturn\'s problem with graphics werent its limitations but its architecture\'s and lacking programming libraries.Something similar with PS2.In order to squeeze its true capabilities the programmer had to balance both risk processors(or three in newer versions).Sega never helped.
Saturn could also reach higher resolution graphics than PSX.
A game showcasing Saturn\'s true Capabilities was Panzer Dragoon Saga.Although low resolution, enviroments and character models featured lighting effects, and some cool looking effects (for a 32bit console) like water effects.Also dont forget that the Saturn didnt have the support PS1 had.Its wasnt easier to get the expected results from the console either.So chances of a developer trying to squeeze its true capabilities were minimum.
But even if Saturn was indeed as less powerful than PS1 as u stated, the example of N64 vs PS1 is a very fine example that proove the fact there wasnt much performance gap back then.One showcased graphics the other couldnt.There was some kind of a balance of the competition of their capabilities..Although PS1 at the end won the battle(which was supposed to be less powerfull than the 64 bit console which was released nearly 2 years after the 32 bit PS1 in Japan).
This time all consoles are 128 bit and the difference between the graphical performance of PS2 and XBOX (or GC) is more noticable.
Every PS2 game can be ported on XBOX and if the developer wants port it with better graphics.But not all XBOX games can be perfectly ported on PS2.With noticable downgrades too.