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Author Topic: Half Life 2 Screens ... yes thats Half Life TWO !  (Read 968 times)

Offline Coredweller
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You\'ll probably need to buy another PC by the time Valve finishes it.  I know they say they have it running on a 1.7ghz, but I\'m sure they\'ll think of 50 more features that need to be included, as they shoot for their 2007 release date.  Whatever happened to Team Fortress 2?  

I don\'t hate Valve; just became a little cynical over the years.  I\'m sure I will dig the game whenever it\'s ready.  I just hope they don\'t overdo it with useless stuff like gun cleaning kits.  I honestly don\'t understand how they think that\'s a feature that will attract gamers...  Seems boring as hell.
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Offline kopking
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my god, that looks great... amazing, cannot wait for this game to come out
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Offline Jumpman

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I should probably play Half-Like 1 sometime.
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Looking good.

BTW: Any word on the new CounterStrike?
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Odd. The company I work at does some ship out printing for PC Gamer and I had not looked at the newest issue\'s stuff. Damn, I missed a chance at the first shots of Half-Life 2.


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Offline Halberto
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Looks amazing, I should rent Half-Life 1 for PS2 to understand this one.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Offline Ryu
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I don\'t hold a grudge against valve for Team Fortress 2.  Chances are, TF2 will be a mod developed by valve, like the first TF for Half Life, for Half Life 2.  If that\'s the case, we won\'t have anything to complain about.  From what was said, it sounds like that\'s their goal with the whole ease of program built into the engine for mod makers.  I think we can guarantee a new version of CS, new TF, and probably another DoD mod.  We shall see though because I\'m sure we won\'t have a long time to wait for this one.  It looks like they learned with TF2 and are now only releasing screens because the game is close to being done.

Aside from that, I\'m not very interested in the gun cleaning stuff.  I know they\'re probably trying to make the game more real, but what do I care about cleaning my M3?  Are they saying a round of explosives going off in an unclean gun is a worry now instead of the hordes of beasts constantly attacking Earth?  I mean seriously here, we have enough to worry about for a game of this calibre.
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Offline KillaX
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if you go to http://www.planethalflife.com they have a small thing about it. Guess what.........it will be at the ATI Booth at E3!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH Nvidia gets the boot!  valve knows who has the better GFX card obviously!

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