What are you guys doing for the summer? I must admit my last summer was very weak, with the exception of me staying in Washington D.C. for a few weeks with a good friend. But after that, even from looking at my journal, you can see I sat around and posted here like a lame arse that I was. This year, the tide has changed, and you can most likely see why...
Here\'s what I\'m up to:
1) June 6th: Schools out
2) June 7th: Take SAT exam (my second time)
3) June 8th - 14th: Attend "Nevada Boys\' State" in Reno, all expenses paid for (Stapler is coming with me)
4) June 15th - June 22nd: Work, make money, spend time with girlfriend.
5) June 23rd - July 13th: Two good friends coming in from Detroit, and Washington D.C. to stay for a bit, should be a lot of fun.
6) July 14th - July 25th: Back to work, more money, time with gf.
7) July 26th - Aug 1st: Camp in California, with girlfriend
8) Aug 2nd - Aug 7th: Work, time with girlfriend
9) Aug 8th: My b-day
*10) Aug 9th - 16th: Road trip to California stay with gf\'s sister
11) Aug 17th - 26th: Work, get ready for Senior year, chill.
Meh, its nothing to crazy, but don\'t forget I live in Vegas so there\'s plenty of things in between.
*= I\'m not too sure if this is going through or not, but its a possibility.