Number 4 definitly. two times in one trip,lol. it sucks. my whole body functions just shut off right when i get ready to go. First it happened in a jack in the box with a decent amount of people near me, 3 er 4.
Second time was when we got to hollywood, we walked around this huge mall place and the 3 people i was with decided they all had to take a piss, but i was just following, not knowing where we were going. Then i was basically right in front of the bathroom door and didnt want to like, enter just to exit cuz thatd be stupid(hard to explain, i was confused myself). Then i went in for the kill and tried to go but there was seriously 20 people waiting for me to go, hahah. there was no way in hell i was gunna go so i just flushed and walked on. Both happened by a urinal thingy. If i have a normal toilet i can go whenever.