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Author Topic: How bizarre are you?  (Read 2959 times)

Offline tigress
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How bizarre are you?
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2003, 10:51:04 AM »
57.08 .............

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How bizarre are you?
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2003, 03:58:28 PM »
You must have answered yes on some pretty sick questions to get that score. The real question is, which ones?
Ill post my results right here.

pissed on a dog? A hotdog, it was in the fire place and I just pissed in their, theirfor on the hotdog.

operated a vehicle nude? (for at least 5 minutes) A tractor.

punched your mother? Yeah

thrown something besides a bowling ball down a bowling alley? A rotten tomato, on accident. Trying to hit someone else.

driven more then a mile on a one way street, going then wrong way? Many a time- breaking two laws : Wrong way, and driving without a liscense :D

thought you were God? (for real) Every day, :laughing:

been in jail and liked it? My aunt took me to a police station just to meet an officer she knew, I went inside the cell for a minute and played my gameboy.

slept in a doghouse? A shed, which was used as the doghouse.

had your tongue stuck on a flagpole? Who hasnt?

been dead? In a play

tried to fix something and ended up damaging something else? Yes, trying to fix my bathroom doorknob, broke a screwdriver, stained the carpet, and ruined my moms pocket knife.

had a phone conversation with no one on the other line? (atleast 5 minutes long) Automatic telephones- no one is on the other line. :D

ridden in a trunk of a car? (hatchbacks and trucks don\'t count)
Yes, in the trunk of my grandma\'s camry, We took the back off.

threatened your teacher/professor? "I wont do my homework"

seen the largest yarn ball in Minnesota? My aunt lives their, we visited it at the Smithsonian

been removed from a retail merchandise store for something other then stealing? Yes, opening a package.

worn dark clothes (or nothing) and wandered through neighbor\'s backyards just for the hell of it?
I dont see what so wierd about this. I wore black dickies, and a black t-shirt through my neighbors yard. Am I suppose to be a burglar?

jumped off a \'cliff\' more then 30ft (10m)? Into a lake

faked your death? (for real) Many a time- of course they never believe me.

joined in a parade in which you were not invited in? Does jumping on a float count?

frequently given yourself electrical shock for fun? Ive done it many times. It feels really wierd.

gone to the movie theater just to eat, not to see a movie? See above...

made animal sounds to a complete stranger? Yes

ridden on the hood of a car (or under a car) for at least a mile? How is that wierd?

done experiments on Hostess cakes? "seeing the reactions of fish introduced to twinkie filled water", i was a kid- so stfu

taken a non-offroad passenger car offroading and damaged it? My grandma\'s car. She doesnt care- she just watches the religion channel. :D

blown up a building? Do toy ones count? If so- yeah.

rode your bicycle down multiple flights of stairs? Its not that hard.

stalked (or been accused of stalking) someone? Im sure everyone has- joke or not.

delibertly licked a bar of soap? Cant explain, just did.

dropped your toothbrush into the toilet, then used it? For scrubbing toliets. Not my teeth. So it was still used.

named more then one of your body parts? Yeah

gone without sleep long enough to hallucinate? You know when your 10 years old and you just got a new video game for your SNES, and you start tripping after about 48 hours of playing it.

kept your dead pet for more then a week before burying/disposing of carcass without stuffing, etc? My goldfish, I left it in the tank, rotting, for 2 months.

gotten this far in the test? yes

You have seen the same movie ____ times. Ive seen TMNT: Secret of the ooze millions of times.

How many phone books do you own? 6

How many straws do you own? about 90.

The longest period of time you have not left your house/dwelling? Didnt feel like leaving

First drunk at age ____. 14

taken a controlled substance anally for other then medical purposes? Vicodin

dreamt of killing Barney, the purple dinosaur? "I love you, you love me"... doesnt that bother you?

First kiss at age ___. 14

First date at age ____. 14

candle shaped like a hotdag? Im guessing hot dog, and yes, a very deformed hotdog. No- not a penis you fags.

A cup with ________. Utters, it was a got-milk? one. With a cow

An illegal firearm that you made? Yes, we tried to get birds. With no avail.

Now seeing how I typed all this up- You know Im wierd :laughing:
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline Heat
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How bizarre are you?
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2003, 08:41:01 PM »
\" A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever\" - Shigeru Miyamoto

Offline Heat
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How bizarre are you?
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2003, 08:49:30 PM »
Originally posted by SER

:laughing: Who actually does that?

Me, I\'d seen the film but a mate wanted me to go and I was hungry and thought **** it, and got some pop corn.
\" A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever\" - Shigeru Miyamoto

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How bizarre are you?
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2003, 11:14:17 PM »
Originally posted by Spudz
taken a controlled substance anally for other then medical purposes? Vicodin

Bwahahahahaaaaa! You stuck vicodin in your ass? You sick monkey.

Seems like you answered most of those questions on technicalities anyways.
\"Everyone\'s entitled to their own opinions, but opinions based on false logic are not worth hearing.\"

Offline kopking
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How bizarre are you?
« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2003, 01:40:14 AM »
hmmmm seems mine has dissapeared.... i got 40.625 if i remeber correctly.. something about being the right amount of strange, and people who think im messed up, well it doesnt bother me...
The drunken, Liverpool supporting, bad spelling, Simpson loving, known as the drunkest of the spaminators, from England
alcohol, life would suck! pray for Mojo
beer,solving all your problems & helping ugly people have $ex since 1862.

Offline tigress
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friend of mine
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2003, 08:14:50 AM »
I just had a friend of mine take this test and he got a 142.35!!!!!! I swear to god, I always knew he had problems. He tried to post on his own, but the site wouldnt let him join. (e-mail address or something? could someone help about that? deathwatchz@yahoo.com ) The funny thing about it all is that he was telling the truth on the test! LOL I found out a little too much info today............


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