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Author Topic: I think my ps2 hates the internet.....  (Read 428 times)

Offline JBean
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I think my ps2 hates the internet.....
« on: May 20, 2003, 10:57:12 AM »
Ok here is the deal...

I recently got my new cable internet setup in my house, my isp is Cablespeed and a tech came to my house and ran the wires, installed the modem and setup my computer.  Later that night I wanted to hook-up my ps2 to the internet, so I bought a US Robotics router 8000A and ran the ps2 network adaptor setup disk...no problems.  I put in madden 2003 in my PS2 and got online in a flash and played a few games with hardly any lag.

A few days later my ps2 couldn\'t detect a network connection present (sometimes my ps2 couldn\'t detect a NA present at all :(, so i\'d reset my router and my cable modem and still nothing.  I was freaked because I didn\'t change any settings or anything.  I continued to have this problem until I noticed the activity lights on my router for the port I plugged the ps2 in weren\'t lit up.  I found that if I unplug the ethernet cable between my ps2 and router from the router and plug it back in, my router then sees my ps2 and it can connect.  

The only problem now is that I can connect, only very slowly with a terrible ping that is around 900ms (it was around 30 before).  I\'m thinking my ps2 network adaptor is fried, but i\'m running out of ideas on what else to check.  Any help would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2003, 11:03:07 AM by JBean »

Offline JBean
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I think my ps2 hates the internet.....
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2003, 07:58:39 AM »
well I found out my ISP dosen\'t support online gaming (gaming is included in hosting a server :() Is there anyway around this?  I connect for gaming but it\'s slow as ass (terrible ping)

Might be time to make the cable to DSL switch.

Offline mm
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I think my ps2 hates the internet.....
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2003, 08:12:38 AM »
doesnt support online gaming?
sounds like a stupid CSR

ask how they are blocking it (ie. ports)
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

Offline JBean
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I think my ps2 hates the internet.....
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2003, 11:31:47 AM »
here\'s a bit from my ISP on my online gaming issues.....

Residential CableSpeed - for customers that are looking for a faster Internet browsing experience (Fast Downloads) than dial-up with no capability to "host" or "serve" applications (gaming, email, websites, etc) from their own computer (or home network). Upstream performance is capped at 128k (a really Slow Upload "served" to other users who want to view or see these sites or services). All ports that enable "hosting" of services are blocked with Residential CableSpeed, to prevent the spread of common virus\'s across our network. This is not a product for customers who want to "host" or "serve" any application from their own computer.

Damnit...but I wonder why I can host games sometimes, this dosen\'t make sense to me.


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