Thank God someone understands why I preferred Fusion to Prime.. I\'m glad I\'m not alone for once.
If you are goin\' to start the CastleVania trilogy - I\'d recommend starting with CastleVania HoD or CastleVania AoS. ... Circle of The Moon can be downright frustrating and is a lot different to the fact it was handled by Konami\'s Koyoto division.
I just finished CastleVania: Aria of Sorrow. I had around 50% of the souls and 93% of the castle . I spent the last couple hours just leveling up Soma - which made me clock out right at seven hours, instead of the four or so, it would of been if I would of went from point A to point B in the game.
I must say I was very dissapointed with how easy the final boss was. Death was the hardest boss, sadly.
Anyways, here\'s the stats.
- Character Level: 38
- Experience: 183156
- Gold: 15,638
- Castle rate: 93.6
- HP: 764
- MP: 396
- Attack: 187
- Defense: 76
- Time: 06: 22: 13
In Comparison....Here is my
Circle of the Moon stats...
- Character Level: 50
- Castle Rate: 90.9
- EXP: 205,6512
- Hp: 940
- Mp: 263
- Time: 17:16:11
Here is my
Harmony of Dissonance stats..
- Character level: 46
- Experience Points: 127.799
- HP: 474
- Magic: 211
- Defense: 150
- Castle Complete (A&B) : 180.5
- Gold: 2,768
- Time: 7:34:53
Looking back, I can\'t believe it took me 17 hours to beat Circle of the Moon.
Furthermore, while I liked collecting souls, I must admit it was more a gimmick than anything. I had my set souls - such as I always used Valkiyre , Peeping Eye , Flying Armor and the last one I can\'t remember the name of. I rarely swtiched off those, unless I was forced to for some reason.
I may go back and try to collect 100 percent of the souls, but I am thinking that could get frustrating real fast.