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Author Topic: Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)  (Read 821 times)

Offline Seed_Of_Evil
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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« on: May 31, 2003, 06:41:38 AM »
During the car chase, one of the Twins shoots at a car behind them to get it out of the way - the right side of the windscreen (as we look at it) is peppered with holes. From another angle, they disappear, only to reappear as it swerves away. Submitted by Jon Sandys  

 In the Chateau where Neo fights the Merovingian\'s men, after the men shoot at Neo, only to have their bullets stopped, they all drop their guns. Throughout the rest of the scene, the guns are nowhere to be found.  

 When Trinity is about to jump down with the keymaker to the bikes in the freeway scene, she is on the left side of the keymaker. When you see them in mid-air, she\'s suddenly to the right of him.  

 When the twin leaves the car that Trinity is driving, he is standing on the freeway by himself. You see a flat-bed truck, then a police car, then a red van pass him by. But when they show the shot ahead of him, the truck is still there, but the cop car and the red van are nowhere to be seen.  

 In the car chase scene when the Twin enters the car with Morpheus, Trinity and the keymaker the camera view changes between aerial shots and shots from in the car. In the aerial shots the road behind them is completely empty. From the shots in the car you can see several cars behind them through the windows.  

 In the freeway scene, during the part with one of the twins in the back of the car fighting Morpheus, one shot shows the twin puting a knife against the keymakers throat. If you look out of the rear window, you will see a white van. Then there is a quick shot of Trinity. When the camera cuts back to the twin and the keymaker, the white van is gone and is replaced by a black van.  

 In the freeway scene, Morpheus fights an agent. Right before Morpheus gets knock off onto Niobe\'s car, you see Morpheus land and lose his balance on the left side of the back of the truck, but when there is a shot of Morpheus falling off the truck, he is falling off the centre.  

 In the scene after Neo catches the falling Trinity and he takes the bullet out of her she dies and Neo pulls her close to his chest. When the shot changes to matrix code and he reaches in to massage her heart and revive her, her body is lying perfectly flat, when it cuts back he is still holding her almost upright to his chest.  

 In the highway, when the agent in the police car jumps to another car and flips it over, the wheels keep turning, then there\'s a quick slow motion and we see the wheels completely motionless, and in the next scene the car is again flying and the wheels are turning around.  

 As in the first film, the Agents are firing .50 caliber Desert Eagles. The Agent in the police car fires several shots that hit the car door right next to Trinity. A shot from a Desert Eagle would not only go through the car door, it would probably go through Trinity and hit Morpheus as well.  

 When Trinity turns her bike around at the freeway and starts speeding in the wrong direction, you see a bunch of police cruisers entering the freeway on the wrong direction as well via a freeway exit (you even see the arrows and the sign that says exit), this happens almost instantly after Trinity turns around, implying they knew before hand she was going to pull of that move. For a bike it\'s just a matter of turning around right there, but for a car that means exiting the freeway, go over the bridge, somehow get on the other lane, avoid incoming traffic in the narrow freeway exit and reentering the freeway. They can\'t have done it just on the off-chance, because they\'d then have had great trouble turning round to chase her the right way.  

 While Trinity is falling out of the window, she tries to shoot the agent leaping after her. The bullets of her guns are too close to each other because the weapon has a limited rate of fire of 1700 rounds per minute, which is by the way extremely high for a submachine gun. This is because of technical issues: the whole automated reloading cycle just takes some time. In reality a bullet fired off from a micro-uzi would be over 12m away when the next one leaves the muzzle.  

 During the scene where Neo is talking to Agent Smith in the park area where Neo was talking to the Oracle, there is a close-up on Agent Smith\'s face. In his sunglasses you can see a camera on a tripod and a light and white screen to reflect the light onto the faces of the actors.  

 In the freeway chase scene when one of the agents jumps onto the hood of the first car then jumps off, the car flips, then a second later as the car is still flipping you can see the gas tank has been removed.  

 During the freeway scenes, the katana Morpheus used as a foot hold to grab the keymaker keeps moving. It was at arm\'s length from the top when he inserted it; when Morpheus was standing on it, the sword was a whole body length below the top; when Morpheus took the sword out in his fight against the agent, it was back in its original position.  

 During the car chase, the twins shoot out most of the windows in the car that Trinity and Morpheus are driving in. But every time they cut to a shot of them inside of the car, the windows are intact and there is no shattered glass to be seen.  

 During the freeway scene, if you look closely, you will notice that none of the trucks have axles.  

 When Neo and the keeper are fighting on the middle bench, one by one the bowls get knocked off - the two on the far corners (left and right) reappear and disappear at least once. Likewise the pot on the right hand table with stick-like things in - that table\'s completely cleared at one point, but that pot reappears.  

 During the freeway chase scene the Cadillac gets slammed up against the wall and sparks start shooting from the side to show that the car is being scraped by the wall. However, in several quick shots after we see the car gets scraped against the wall, there are only bullet holes and no trace of scraping against the side of the car.  

 In the scene where Trinity is speeding away with the Keymaker, how can the Ducati be slower than the cop cars which are obviously gaining on her? It can\'t be due to traffic - when she\'s on the hard shoulder, with completely empty space in front, the cops are still alongside.  

In one scene we see Persephone reapplying her nude/pale pink coloured lipstick while she is in the men\'s room, talking to the crew. In the next shot, she has a different colour lipstick on all of a sudden. Instead of her lips being nude/pink-colored, they are now lined with a darker colour and not filled in with lipstick.  

 During the entire time that Trinity and Morpheus are being shot at by the twin in the car, we never see him reload his gun, despite the fact that he fires about 350 shots at them from one clip. It can\'t be due to them being able to bend the rules of the matrix, as eventually he runs out of ammo, looks at the gun in disgust and ditches it.  

 In the freeway chase scene when the Cadillac is being side-smashed by the police cruiser, the agent driving the cruiser disappears from the car when the vehicle hits the water barriers. It can\'t just be that he changed to a different body - that would have left the original occupant still in the car.  

 In the scene right before the freeway scene, in the city streets, the Escalade EXT rams a brown BMW 7-series in the purwuit of the Silver CTS. The BMW rips in half, but there\'s not a scratch on the EXT. Later in the freeway scene, you see a headlight blown out, and a katana sword can rip it, whereas a car smash causes no damage.  

 After Morpheus slices the car the Twins are in, you see the car skidding to a stop. The camera cuts back a fraction before the car actually stops, but it\'s obviously moving very slowly. However when you see the car in the next shot, it\'s flipping over. There is no way that its minimal momentum would have flipped the car, cut with a sword or not.
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

Offline Seed_Of_Evil
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Part 2
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2003, 06:42:57 AM »
In the car chase scene, when Trinity is driving the cadillac, the Agent in the cop car slams into the driver\'s side of Trinity\'s car and the driver\'s side mirror is smashed. When Trinity drives the cadillac onto the exit ramp, the driver\'s side mirror is back in its normal position.  

 In the scene where Morpheus is sitting in the chair near the end of the movie giving his "War and fate" speech you can see the microphone and camera in his sunglasses. This is repeatedly seen during the whole scene.  

 During the Freeway scene, the number plate on the car that Trinity is driving changes from "DA 2003" to "DA 203" and back at various intervals.  

 In the scene where Neo is fighting the French guy\'s henchmen, at the end of the fight Neo stabs one of the guys with a sword. But if you look closely, the sword is actually not penetrating him at all. It is actually going under his arm.  

 Trinity\'s cut on her right arm disappears and reappears throughout the freeway scene.  

 When Agent Smith stands in the way of Neo, Morpheus and the keymaker, Smith\'s glasses reflect an empty corridor when 3 people are right in front of him.  

 In the highway chase scene there is a shot of the police cars before they get onto the highway and the cars are Chevrolet Caprices. When they are on the highway chasing Trinity\'s car, the police cars become brand new Chevrolet Impalas. But when the police cars start to ram her, they become Caprices again.  

 When Neo flies away from the Hundred Smiths, we see the Smiths watch and start to wander their seperate ways but if you watch the Smiths as they walk off (except for the last three) their hair changes from Smith\'s style to the style of the stuntmen used for the sequence.  

 In the freeway chase where the agent jumps on the front of the car causing it to flip once he jumps off, we see a shot of the car landing on its roof and there is no one in the car.  

 In the 100 Agent Smith fight, you can see (especially in the larger shots) that there are many Smiths that don\'t look like Smith at all. Also, for the ones that have Smiths face digitally painted on them, when they turn around you can see that the backs of their heads are all different.  

 In the rotating shot around the semi-truck, in the freeway scene, the sword that Morpheus uses later that scene is nowhere to be found.  

 During the freeway chase there is a shot over the shoulder of one of the twins as he shoots at our hero\'s car. He rakes his stream of bullets from left to right following the car as it passes behind a white van - notice, however, that there are already bullet holes in the van *before* the stream of bullets ever reaches it.  

 In the scene where Trinity is driving on the freeway, you can see from the interior shot that her door is locked. In the exterior shot you can see her door is unlocked. This is consistent all the way through the driving sequence.  

 This happens during the scene when Morpheus cuts "The Twins" car with a sword, and shoots it. Watch how close Morpheus is to the car when he shoots, then when it explodes look around on the ground. There is a wide angle camera shot, and Morpheus is not there any more, even though he was about 10 feet from the car. Then when the shot goes to a higher angle, Morpheus reappears. He also looks trasparent and 2D in some of the higher shots of the road.

 In the freeway scene there are a lot of cars flipping and smashing onto their roofs. In one of the silver cars that is on its roof, the camera goes by and you can see the rollcage that keeps the cabin and/or driver intact.  

On the long straight shot of the two trucks driving at each other there is a clear starting/ending position for the busy traffic, followed by empty road.  

 When The Architect is talking to Neo, the tie tack he\'s wearing (the kind that extends across the knot from one side of the collar to the other) appears to have fallen out of the left collar (right side on the screen) in one shot. Seconds later, it\'s back in place.  

 In the shot where Morpheus slices the Twins\' car on the Freeway bridge and causes the Twins\' vehicle to overturn, the camera goes to a wide shot of Morpheus and the vehicle, without the side parapets of the bridge, thus showing everything without any obstruction. Shots following immediately after show the parapets all intact.  

 In the highway fight scene between Morpheus and an Agent, the truck they are riding passes the same energy plant seen in the background at least twice. And at times it seems they are about to pass it and in another shot it\'s far away again.  

 In the scene where Neo is sitting with the oracle and talking, there is one quick shot of the fence area where Smith comes in. In spraypaint on the metal fence it has "ONE" written across it diagonally up to the right. When the oracle leaves and Agent Smith comes through the fence entrance the spraypainted "ONE" has disappeared.  

 In the scene where the keymaker and Trinity jump off the truck, you can see that that is a taller, fitter keymaker.  

 During the freeway chase scene, Morpheus uses the katana to balance himself between two trucks in order to get the keymaker onto one of the actual trucks. As soon as he has flipped the Keymaker onto the truck, look carefully at Morpheus\' face - it is obviously a stunt double.  

 When the architect of the Matrix is talking to Neo, he has a silver pen in his right hand. In the closeup it\'s a LAMY "swift" palladium coated (with eccentric trigger), in the other scenes it\'s a different pen; much thinner.  

 In the scene where Neo meets the Oracle and they begin to converse, she is resting her head against her hand on the bench. In the first shot her hand is touching her temple. In the next shot from behind the bench, her hand is against her jaw. In the next shot that faces them both again, her hand is back against her temple. She\'s always visible, with no time lapse - there\'s no time for her to shift position.  

 During the car chase scene, when Trinity is speeding towards the camera the wrong way on the freeway and the camera is zooming out, if you look closely under the front tire of her motorcycle, you see the lines of the road going under her tyre at around 5-10 mph, even though the shot keeps changing to show her going very fast.  

 On the highway after the first agent and one of the twins have been thrown out from the rebel car the second agent starts shooting. The shots fired and the car\'s glass breaking don\'t sync properly and the glass explodes between rounds fired.  

 When Neo is talking to the Oracle there is a stray hair about to fall away from the Oracle\'s head. It disappears and reappears a couple of times.  

 During the scene on the freeway, Trinity is on the Ducati Bike with the Keymaker. While she is going with the traffic, you can see a Volvo Cross County about 5 cars ahead of her. She then turns against traffic and there is a shot of her coming towards the camera, but behind her, the Volvo has disappeared.  

 Just like in the first movie, the bullets that Neo stops in mid-air don\'t have any striations on them from the rifling of the barrel.  

 The sign post that Neo pulls out of the ground to fight the 100 agents would be hollow but is modelled as solid in one of the CG shots.  

 In the scene where Trinity rides a motorcycle and is being chased by the police, she dodges a car, which crosses the road line and is set on a collision course with the police cars, which are right behind her. From the reverse angle, the gap\'s increased noticeably, and the car\'s avoided the cops.
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2003, 07:22:29 AM »
this happens every movie, good read could have taken some stuff out though

Offline Kurt Angle

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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2003, 07:47:17 AM »
every movie has continuity errors.

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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2003, 10:04:49 AM »
Some were actually thrown in their to prove the "reality" of the matrix I read somewhere.

Alot of movies have errors- but a keen eye can notice alot of them. Especially microphones and studio personnel, But im too busy wrapped up in their.
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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2003, 10:18:34 AM »
I read only a few of them and I noticed only one. I never really catch movie mistakes, I just have them entertain me.
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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2003, 10:56:46 AM »
Lemme guess Moviemistakes.com????? or was it IMDB????

« Last Edit: May 31, 2003, 07:45:24 PM by KillaX »
It is the Beast the Anti-slag come to live among us for and rule us for 7 years...the end is Nigh!

And I am a member if the G.A.P.

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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2003, 06:46:19 PM »

Whomever actually took the time to type all that up is a loser.

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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2003, 12:26:07 AM »
Don\'t blame the Wachowski\'s, blame the Architect.

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2003, 04:25:29 AM »
cut and paste straight from movie-mistakes.com no doubt..  :)
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2003, 06:47:02 AM »
It just seems a shame that less effort has been put in this time round. In the first Matrix movie they made quite a big thing about sunglasses and what they reflect, ie. a blue pill reflected in one lense and a red pill in the other, now it\'s just the crew members, and they\'re probably not different in each lense.

Lack of effort and a crap script ruined this one, I didn\'t need moviemistakes.com to pick this one to pieces, I was already brimming when I left the cinema!

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Matrix Reloaded mistakes (SPOILERS ahead)
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2003, 11:45:55 AM »
nitpickers.com/movies/ is another mistakes site.  Under the mistake, there\'s a tiny little message board so people can discuss if it\'s BS or not.  

When I read about movie mistakes, I want to read stuff like, so and so was wearing Nike shoes, when the movie was supposed to be set in 1890 and stuff like that.  Most of it is just geeks arguing about things that didn\'t make sense to them, and wanting credit for pointing out a "mistake".  Suspension of disbelief people!
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