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Author Topic: Football Football Football 24/7  (Read 485 times)

Offline videoholic

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Football Football Football 24/7
« on: June 18, 2003, 05:35:21 PM »
Someone tried to start up a football network about 5 years ago, but now it has the backing of Steve Sabol.  IT will be interesting to see how it goes. It will probably stay like a golf channel.  Small niche market.  Although there may be some interesting instructional stuff on the channel.

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Football Football Football 24/7
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2003, 08:53:42 PM »
This would be a hell of a lot better then the golf channel. Hopefully it works out.
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Season II: Redskins (12-4) Game Over!

Offline CHIZZY

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Football Football Football 24/7
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2003, 04:38:30 AM »
All I have to say is...

Where\'s my simpsons/southpark/man show/ mr. show/ channel?

I can\'t wait until TV evolves to the point where you can request specific episodes of shows and shit. I know there\'s tivo, but being able to scan through every episode of every show and watch them whenever you want would rule.

/me does a bong hit...

"man... you know what would rock? Let\'s watch that episode of mr. show where the dude has the computer company and all the retarded goats.."

The football channel would be a definate Sunday-waster... :D
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Football Football Football 24/7
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2003, 04:59:39 AM »
Chizzy that would rock!

We have Sky+ (expensive but useful) and thats a major step up in terms of recording your fave shows.

But having a channel or a digital service where you could watch whatever you wanted would rock!

They should have a day devoted to South Park on Sky One or Sky One Mix cause I used to worship that show!
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