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Author Topic: contemplating a DVD recorder  (Read 466 times)

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contemplating a DVD recorder
« on: June 20, 2003, 09:53:18 PM »
I am thinking of buying a DVD recorder to replace my VCR, here is the one I am thinking of:

what kind of disks do I use????? DVD-R/RW\'s????? and how much time do I have on each?????

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contemplating a DVD recorder
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2003, 04:31:30 AM »
It says right on the description: "Record your own DVDs at home in either DVD-RAM or DVD-R format."

DVD Ram isn\'t rewriteable is it?  I see no reason to buy one unless it\'s rewritable.  Discs are still about 1.90 a piece.  That\'s a lot of cash to spend recording TV shows.  

I just think it\'s too early to be buy a standalone dvd recorder.  A lot of the dvd players now play DVD+RW\'s  that is pretty sweet. You can burn a movie on your computer, watch it, then rewrite it to another movie.  Very nice indeed.
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contemplating a DVD recorder
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2003, 06:27:44 PM »
The best option for digi-recording is still a TiVo/HTPC.  Then you can cut/paste/edit your material anyway you want and record to DVD-R.  For the average user Tivo is usually the best option, look into spending your money there.  You can even open em up and upgrade to a bigger HD to record 10x more much stuff than stock.  Then if you want to transfer those shows to DVD, invest in a DVD-RW drive.

PS- you never mentioned your reasoning for wanting to replace your VCR.  You like to record lots of stuff and you\'re sick of VHS quality?  I recently bought a JVC S-VHS VCR for ~$70 refurbished at ewave.com.  Such a difference with 400 lines of resolution.  Not quite DVD quality, but for NTSC cable you\'re not getting that anyway.

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