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Author Topic: Hope this is the place for this  (Read 764 times)

Offline PSX_J
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Hope this is the place for this
« on: June 28, 2003, 03:59:19 PM »
Im trying desperately hard to uncover recordings of past superbowl games and nba finals series. I\'ve been to a few sites but they dont have what I want, all I need is a 100% authentic recording, on the network they were aired and everything. No stupid story lines, or behind the scenes looks...I just want the games and nothing more. I was hoping someone could direct me to a site or maybe help me out if they happen to have any recordings themselves. This is proving to be more difficult then I thought but here are my primary needs.

-All 3 Cowboys superbowl wins of the 90\'s

-Packers show in the superbowl

-All the Chicago Bull\'s 90\'s apperances in the finals

-Houston Rockets finals appearances(cant remember when)

-Sanatonio Spurs 1999 appearance in the finals.

Im just a hardcore fan of all these dynasties, If I could score any one of these that would be great. There arent any shops around here that carry these types of tapes but Im willing to try some in other cities if ya know of a few.

p.s. I would almost kill for Bulls final recordage. (not really but you get the point)
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Offline Luke
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Hope this is the place for this
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2003, 04:14:28 PM »
i had all the bulls finals games from the 90\'s on video... dont know where they are now though.

next time im at my parents house ill give a look see for em.

p.s. so are you pretty much just a fan of the teams that win alot then?

Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2003, 04:40:13 PM »
Your best bet would be to find local sport fan clubs and trade tapes. If that doesn\'t work, check newsgroups on the \'net.

Honestly, if I was you, I\'d try and find a decent sports forum on the \'net and ask around. You\'ll probably dig something up that way.

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Hope this is the place for this
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2003, 04:40:24 PM »
I\'m sorry I can\'t be any help. Don\'t care for basketball and I don\'t record super bowls. Sorry man. On a side note, what happened to ps2w.com? I tried to get on a few months ago and its been down.
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Offline PSX_J
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« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2003, 07:08:23 PM »
p.s. so are you pretty much just a fan of the teams that win alot then?

No, mostly just the group of guys that were on the teams at the times, that what attracts me. The way these men fit so well togheather as a team made their games fun to watch.

On a side note, what happened to ps2w.com? I tried to get on a few months ago and its been down.

Psh, I abandoned the site...the guy that ran it just didnt give a flip. It\'s hard to keep a site up when your the only one that cares bout it. I know what your talking about, I guess it went under after me and a couple other guys just left. I now work at gamerpalace.com wich just launched, lets hope this has a brigter future.
It\'s only funny until someone gets hurt...then it\'s hillarious.

Offline shockwaves
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Hope this is the place for this
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2003, 07:21:13 PM »
I have one of the Cowboys Super Bowls on tape.  Not sure if I\'ll be able to find it or not.

Offline PSX_J
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« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2003, 08:51:03 PM »
Is it in fair shape, Im not real picky but something that I can bare to watch would be nice. Let me know if you locate it.
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Offline Coredweller
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« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2003, 09:37:21 PM »
I have all six games of the 1993 NBA Finals on VHS tape.  I taped these games because I\'m a Suns fan, not a fan of the evil Chicago Bulls.  Since you appear to be only interested in teams that were successful and received great public adulation, I\'m not inclined to share these with you.  

When I watch these games, the favoritism of the officials toward the Bulls fills me with disgust.  Fans of the Bulls likewise make me ill.
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« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2003, 05:30:26 AM »
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Offline PSX_J
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« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2003, 05:40:38 PM »
Originally posted by Coredweller
I have all six games of the 1993 NBA Finals on VHS tape.  I taped these games because I\'m a Suns fan, not a fan of the evil Chicago Bulls.  Since you appear to be only interested in teams that were successful and received great public adulation, I\'m not inclined to share these with you.  

When I watch these games, the favoritism of the officials toward the Bulls fills me with disgust.  Fans of the Bulls likewise make me ill.

Hmm, ok...let me see if I can put away some of your negative viewpoints behind my reasoning for wanting these tapes.  Let\'s start with the Cowboys, grew up a Cowboys fan and have remained one even through the tough times that we are seeing today. Im a diehard fan of the franchise no matter how bad they suck.  If you grow up around here Cowboys football is in your blood.  I was quite young win the Cowboys won their three Superbowls, thus I dont recall the entirety of each game.  This nags me pretty bad because I want to go back and watch Troy Aikman, Emmit, and Micheal Ervin when they were all in their prime and their Superbowl appearances would be the most pleasurable to view.

Now about the Bulls, I wanst one of those ppl that just fell in love with Micheal Jordan the moment I saw him make unbleivable  skyrocketing dunks. Personally I never liked him, nor have I ever really liked the big stars because they usually have the biggest heads.  It was the other guys that played along with him that made their games great and fun to watch. Now I will say that Scotty Pippen and MJ had to be one of the best duals we\'ve seen this decade.  People like Longley, Kukoch, Kerr, and Harper I felt brought the games to life but thats just me.  Again, this is just another example of me wanting to go back and relive a part of my past, I dont see the harm in it.

But...you say that I only favor teams that simply put have a high status or have won alot. From what I recall Houston has won one finals matchup, Packers have only one superbowl recently and the Spurs have had two Finals wins 5 years apart.  Now lets see here, Houston is pretty much long forgotten, the only thing that has kept them in the news is Yao Ming and Van Gundy being hired as head coach but other than that, lately they havent been worth noting. The Spurs, even with two finals wins are not very well recognized...instead single players are like Tim Duncan and thats bout it.

Most people want to watch games we\'re they\'re favorite teams have won and thats me. Im not going to record video of the Mavericks getting put out by Sanatonio because I like Dallas so much, I want to see the teams I like win. If I were to be listing highly admired teams then I surely would of added Los Angelos in there right? Call me a person who just goes from one winning team to the next if you want but I just look at the ppl that made the team what it was. Now I wont argue with you on this subject anymore because it\'s obvious your not going to hand over the vid\'s but understand it\'s more to me then a teams rating.
It\'s only funny until someone gets hurt...then it\'s hillarious.

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« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2003, 07:01:25 PM »
I can understand liking players, and not blindly following a team.  I mean in basketball I\'ve always been a Kings and Lakers fan, but once Shaq and Kobe got to the Lakers I started to despise them.  However, there are a few teams that I like because I\'m devoted to the team itself (Niners and Kings).  And there are other teams I like because of the players they currenty have (Falcons because of Vick, Cav\'s because of LeBron, there are a few others.)


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