Here\'s an interesting question to consider. Click here for the complete story: poster S2Kwhite is a young guy in his 20s who is of iranian descent, and lives in Quebec, Canada. He owns a Honda S2000, and has been working on replacing most of the body pieces with custom fabricated carbon fiber replacements. (Inexplicably to me, he decided to keep the doors their original white color. There\'s no accounting for taste, but never mind because that\'s not important.)
He decided to drive down to Boston to show off his car at a Hot Import Nights event. He was stopped at the border, detained for many hours, and his car was disassembled by customs agents searching for narcotics. S2Kwhite had to have the car flatbedded back to Quebec in pieces, and he probably has no legal recourse for recovering the damages to the car, or cost of reassembly. US Customs agents said "You\'re lucky we didn\'t sieze your car."
While on the one hand I am a little outraged that representatives of our government did this to a Canadian member of the S2000 International forum who is so well appreciated by others members, I can also see the other side of this. I\'ve always known that customs agents have a wide range of powers to search, tear apart, and disassemble anything they catch you with. I would have thought long and hard before taking a car that was THAT weird looking through the border. Overall, I do think these border agents abused their powers by hassling this guy who was clearly no threat to anyone.
Any opinions?