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Author Topic: My computer programming project - ideas!!  (Read 1220 times)

Offline PS2_-'_'-_PS2
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« on: July 09, 2003, 09:53:41 AM »
Hi guys i need to think of an idea for my Advanced higher computing project, i need to use file handling (u know like .dat and .txt files) in Visual Basic and i need some suggestions for a project some examples are

-A program for booking things (like pool tables or airline reservations)

That\'s about as many as i can think of, anyone got any ideas...=]
\"A key to the understanding of all religions is that a god\'s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs\"


Offline Black Samurai
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2003, 11:15:26 AM »
I did a really good programming project that involves making a computer system for a video rental store.

I got an A on the project so it was pretty good.

You have to let the employee check in/out videos and have the system know what videos are in/out and what customer has them.

^^^Thats a REAL generic description of the program. If you want me to elaborate on other things that were included let me know.

BTW, This was done in C++
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Offline EmperorRob
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2003, 11:57:44 AM »
Online processing.  Something like a web page that takes input and writes to a file and then picked up by your vb program.
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Offline videoholic

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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2003, 12:21:44 PM »
Like say a Madden League where you enter in stats after the game.

Hey, a project that could actually get put to use!!!
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Offline Black Samurai
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2003, 01:06:01 PM »
^^^Thats actually a really good idea.

Make it like a football league stat tracker that keeps track of stats, win/loses, etc. You could package it as a league stat database manager.
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Offline PS2_-'_'-_PS2
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2003, 03:18:14 PM »
those are all really good ideas, thanks guys =]
Gohan could u elaborate a bit on ur video rental project?
\"A key to the understanding of all religions is that a god\'s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs\"


Offline Living-In-Clip

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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2003, 05:09:17 PM »
Just be a slacker and go to http://www.planetsourcecode.com and find you some source code.

Copy & Paste. Edit some comments to make it more personal and wha-la! You got yourself an \'A\' project and no work.


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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2003, 05:15:35 PM »
pfft, what are you, excell junkies? make a game! jeez.

Offline PS2_-'_'-_PS2
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2003, 06:30:14 AM »
hmmmm, living in clip, dont want to cheat kinda pointless

Gohan can i get some more info about you project i am really thinking about doing something similar - add new member, delte member, add video etc - could b quite good...=]

A games is way to hard to make in Vb 0 too complicated for me =]
\"A key to the understanding of all religions is that a god\'s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs\"


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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2003, 01:46:52 PM »

Offline PS2_-'_'-_PS2
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2003, 02:55:35 PM »
yes actually, get my whole project void (worth 50 % of the entire course) if anyone ever found out and i wont gain any knowledge either =]
\"A key to the understanding of all religions is that a god\'s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs\"


Offline Black Samurai
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2003, 11:20:03 PM »
Let me know what info you need. Basic set up:

- video object(Title, Star(s), Director, Producer, Production Studio, # of Copies, # of Copies in stock)

- video control object(makes an array of \'video object\', has a function for(adding new titles, removing titles, sorting by title, decrementing # of copies in stock, incrementing # of copies in stock, searching by title))

-customer object(Last Name, First Name, ID number, # of movies rented out, Title1, Title2, Title3) "To make it easier we let each customer take out only 3 movies"

-customer control object(makes an array of \'customer object\', has a function for(adding new customers, removing customers, sorting by last name, sorting by ID, decrementing # of copies rented, incrementing # of copies rented, changing Title1/2/3 based on # of movies rented out, searching by last name))

-Store control object "includes customer/video control object"(contains functions for (check in/out(affects vidInstock and #rented out/title), adding/removing Titles, adding/removing customers, searching for a Movie"sort first", searching for a customer"sort first", print video inventory, print customer database))


It was done in C++ and that is what I remember about the program. Of course there was the part of the project that implemented the "Store Control Object" and the visual representation. Also to keep our database updated we had the program print each database(video and customer) to a file when the program closed and read from a file when it opened.

There is a lot of functionality that CAN be added to the program to make it better but we did what we could with the time we had.
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Offline PS2_-'_'-_PS2
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My computer programming project - ideas!!
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2003, 08:13:40 AM »
Thats really helpful Gohan i need to think of some more ideas but im 90% sure i will do something like that, Thanks man!! =]

u wouldnt happen to have a working version of it just so i can understand it better?:artyon:
\"A key to the understanding of all religions is that a god\'s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs\"



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