It\'s my bithday in 4 weeks (5th August) and I\'m 21 but I\'d love to hear some good suggestions from you crazy guys in here cause you all make me laugh.
I\'ve already got a party arranged and yes like my mate Bill\'s 21st,there will be a stripper (lets hope my gf sees the funny side)
I\'m going out getting drunk and also before you guys suggest it "getting some action"
but I\'d love for you all to help with suggestions.
It\'s not that I\'ve run out of ideas but as it\'s a 21st I\'d love to share it with you guys and have you help with some crazy fun stuff to do to maybe spice it up a little.
so come on guys what do you think...they can be silly,stupid,dumb,serious or whatever cause I love having a laugh on here...
I expect ooseven to post at least 100 posts on here lol