MADRID. - A 21 year-old youth caused a fire in her home of the neighborhood of Tetuán (Madrid) when trying to make reality one of Harry Potter\'s magic potions, extracted from one of the books, as Civil Samur-protection informed.
The event took place at 10.45 in the morning in the number 12 of Molina\'s street.
The magician apprentice, 21 years old, mixed in a glass of plastic oil, alcohol and toothpaste and exposed the mixture to the heat. Then there was a strong deflagration that destroyed part of the property. The firemen took about 2 hours to extinguish the flames totally.
The youth that was assisted of a light intoxication by troops of the Civil Samur-protection, was discharged in the same place of the facts.
Sorry but I\'ve to repeat the sentence again: Toda la vida matando tontos, y siempre queda alguno.