There\'s manufacture issues with everything. There wouldn\'t be much water damage from distilled water. Unless of course, it wasn\'t built properly to begin with, That would be covered under warranty as a manufacture fault not a consumer fault.
It\'s like letting a average user install a cpu. Most wouldn\'t even bother with thermal gel, I\'ve had countless pcs come into my brothers business in the last 2 years from knobs who tried to install new sink on a cpu without thermal paste.
When u install anything to do with liquid cooling you always setup the system outside your computer first, test it for leaks, cracks etc. After a few days of letting it run, If there are no leaks, your sweet to go.
I\'m not saying it\'s going to happen as a standard now. I\'m simply saying the way it\'s going today, it\'s a very big possibility. If it does start to become a standard, it\'ll happen quickly.
I personally think refrigeration would be a better way to go myself.