Little late to the rememberance...but here I am.
I remember...two years ago to...I guess would now be yestarday, it was my summer vacation before heading off to my freshman year in college. The only thing I worried about was going away to college before that day. I woke up, around...lunch time I guess (summer vacation and all with nothing to do except goof around) turned on the computer to go online when I say a little news blurb on AOL (when I still had that crap. Not anymore) about planes hitting the WTC. It never occured to me that that was real. I just thought "oh, a what if story. Okay..." so I decided to open up Internet Explorer and head to Yahoo to do my surfing. Thats when I was no joke. It was real. I immediately turned on the TV, and there it was...a scene I never thought I would ever see in my life. Two planes crashing into the WTC. For the rest of the day, I watched what was happening. To this day, I remember how my day began, how I thought about it, and how everything changed from that day forward.
Its amazing how, I kept relatively calm back in this thread who were quick to blame say, the whole Islamic religion on these terrorist. Heck, I even dismissed the idea that Gore wouldn\'t have done the same. How times have changed. Since then, I have grown more conservative, and am glad it was Bush, not Gore that was/is the President of the United States then and now. I still say Islam itself is respondsible for this attack. But the bastardize version is still being preached, and is still killing people in Iraq, Israel, and, while we have been lucky so far, if they ever get a chance the United States. We still have a long way to go to fight this terror. And no matter what you try to say, these fanatics, extremist, whatever, that book they have in their hand is still, the Koran. May these bastards get what they deserve for, bringing down that religion, and preaching hate in a world that doesn\'t need it.
May god deliever us from darkness in this time of need.