47 and Gordon own all. Why? Because...
Max Payne isn\'t cool,
I think he\'s just a gun totin\' fool,
just came up with the idea to warp time,
for everyone else to mime.
Like that Jack Slate...
These two should have a date.
Shooting, killing, maiming all,
maybe it\'s just a desperate mating call?
Snake\'s gotten old,
though millions of copies he sold.
Bloodrayne then, doesn\'t for me do much,
I like my women a lot less butch(erlike).
Lara is just so dead to me,
and boy are Tommy and Sam clichéd.
Master Chief\'s just a faceless grunt,
that\'s about it, put blunt.
P.S. I\'d like to apologize for any pains or seizures you might\'ve suffered as a direct result of witnessing my lame rhyming.