First off, you were right to say that Buddha was only a man. I\'m hoping that by comparing him to Jesus, you are not implying that he is the God of Buddhism because he is not. Buddhist have not God. It is true that Buddha only cared about the "suffering" of the world. But, he also attached that to the fact that there were Gods in the first place. I believe he considered the Gods to be another way making yourself suffer. You also have to understand that suffering is not meant as a literal term. Suffering can be something as simple as having to make a choice. You also stated that enlightenment is being "void" This is also untrue, enlightenment was reached when the individual has surpassed suffering and desire and achieves Nirvana. Therefore, they are filled with something, it\'s not Jesus, it\'s knowledge. The understanding of everything. So in essence, the same goal is achieved. Christians live their life\'s with Jesus "inside" of them allowing them to "live" a happy and fulfilling life. The same concept is attained with Nirvana. Once you reach Nirvana, you have eternal knowledge. The difference it is not obtained by living your life with boundaries and idols.
Hinduism is, in my opinion, the most flexible and understanding religion. True, some of their beliefs are a bit uncommon, but for the most part their believes basically allows everybody to be part of anything. To them, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and every other religion is acceptable. Why? Because they believe that any path can lead to "God". As long as you have chosen a path, and your goal is God, they are perfectly content with it. Why is this so good? It allows people to be different. Why is that so good? It doesn\'t cause wars and corruption between other religions.
You are correct by saying that Jesus "came" here to change the way things were going. That was my mistake. But, what you have to realize is that Judaism is based on the fact that Jesus was not the "messiah", he was just a man who told good stories to make it short. So it all revolves around the idea of WHAT is "God"? How can one "GOD" be three different people? If Jesus was "God", by being on earth and on heaven at the same time, wouldn\'t that mean that there were two "Gods" at the same time? So, if "God" is a trinity, do they co-exist? When you die and go to "heaven", will you just see one God or Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit? If that\'s true, that means that God is not one, he is three different things acting as one, therefore, there are three Gods, it\'s just them acting as one "soul" sort of speak.
What gives this "God" the power to kill whenever he is not pleased? Doesn\'t that make him a murderer? Why people that don\'t follow his "wisdom" and "truths" have to be punished? Doesn\'t that make him vengeful? You say, he gave us life, he can do as he pleases? Mother\'s give life should they abort, kill, mistreat their children when they don\'t obey?
You say everything that goes on is "God\'s" will. Was 9/11 his will? Was WW1 and WW2 his will? If so, why would he allow such animosities, when he claims to "love" every single one of us, that is unless you follow his standards. You say everything that happens because of "God\'s" wisdom has a purpose. Yet, we will not see this purpose until our deaths or his "coming". Therefore, the purpose has no purpose in terms of the follower being able to see what the purpose. The people that die in the war, what was his purpose on that? To bring pain into the relatives? If the relatives believes "God" did this with a purpose in mind? When well all his "purposes" come together and prove his "purpose"? In other words, what is the purpose of living your life following "God" when the purpose that you are waiting for might not even be fulfilled while you are still here?
This girl Kirbie, she is questioning her beliefs on the simple and logical fact that reality is something that can be proofed to be true. If it\'s not proofed then it\'s a is a "false" reality sort of speak. She can have as much faith as any one of you, but what is the purpose of living life following "God" when you know that the "reality" of "God" depends on how much you "worship" him. If you asking that question in the first place, that means you are worshiping to a "false" reality, that is until you "God" decides to appear. But, when he does you won\'t have the "honor" to worship him during "this life", so you are in fact "using" this life to worship him. Then "reincarnate" when he comes again. But, in order to do that you have to have "blind" faith, and that is something that we as humans can\'t simply accept.
--Cool post by this anonymous guy, kirbie is some chick...