Ugh. I have one yellow card for Marche. Total accident, but it\'s alright. Roll with the punches!
Anyways, yes, this game is incredibly awesome. I\'m about 62 missions in with my clan, Nutsy, is at level 16. My game time is about 20 hours right now. Marche is easily my strongest character in terms of brute strength with his Soldier and Fighter abilities nearly maxed out for this point in the game while my Black Mage [Now White], Baldwin, is the strongest Mage with Fire, Fira, Thunder, Thundara, Blizzard, Blizzara, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Life, and Turbo MP. Both together could probably take out an army on their own.
My Thief, now turned Ninja is my personal favorite though. He has all the steal skills mastered including Steal Armor, Helmet, Shield, Accessory, Gil, Experience, Counter, and Maintenance with the Ninja Skills Wood Veil, Fire Veil, and Metal Veil. He\'s a truly awesome and unique character and I have taken a personal interest in leveling him up. Great fun!
Btw, any idea what shield bearer does?