Although it\'s popular to rag on CS (*cough look above *cough ), I don\'t think 1.6 is all that bad. I\'ve been enjoying it at least - although Steam can be pretty bad when booting your system.
I used to be an avid CS fan into clans and all that stuff, but it\'s time to move on. It\'s been five years or so since CS first hit the net and it\'s tired now. For starters, they need a major graphical overhaul which will probably come with Half-Life 2, whenever that is, and the game just needs more gameplay options. You can only play Dust, Italy, what-the-f*ck-ever so many times until the same \'ol routines are happening day in and day out. Not to mention the fact that you can\'t be a great player unless someone calls you a cheater, repeatedly, until you\'re banned by some moronic newbie admin or whatever. I\'ve been there, I\'ve done that, I\'ve moved on.
The fact is, there\'s so many great games that have been out and are coming out that it\'s time to put this CS mod to rest.