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NIAGARA FALLS, Ontario (AP) -- A man survived a plunge over Niagara Falls with only the clothes on his back, witnesses said, the first person known to have done it without safety devices and lived. Witnesses described seeing the man float by Monday in the swift Niagara River, go headfirst over the churning 180-foot waterfall and then pull himself out of the water onto the rocks below. "He just looked calm. He just was gliding by so fast. I was in shock really that I saw a person go by," Brenda McMullen told WIVB-TV in Buffalo. Water rushes over the falls at a rate of 150,000 gallons per second. "I saw him disappear over the edge of the falls," McMullen\'s husband, Terry McMullen, said. The Columbus, Ohio, tourists snapped photographs afterward, showing the man dressed in street clothes, apparently lying on the shoreline at the base of the Canadian Horseshoe Falls.
Originally posted by GmanJoe Chizzy, he got dumped from the Horse Shoe Falls side. NO ONE survives the American side without being inside something. It\'s too rocky.