Paypal is pretty nice. They do take a bit of your money when some is sent to you (how much depends on the service you sign up and what upgrades you apply to your account), but last I checked, it was free if you sign up for the most basic of stuff. I needed to take a credit card payment from someone (a VERY large sum of money) and I had to upgrade my account so they take like 1-5% off each transaction now. Hardly a big deal though. It\'s like tax basically, just a lot less.
As for the topic, EBay is great. I find lots of great things on there I would never find in a store and the prices are always right. If it gets a little too big for my bank account, I just stop bidding and wait for the next item to end and probably make out like a bandit on that one. Simple fact is, for collectibles, in all types of conditions, and for the best deals on items, best I\'ve heard is half off of the COST price, EBay can\'t be beat. I\'ve not been screwed once and my feedback rating is flawless as well.
If bidding just isn\'t your thing, you can go through EBay\'s sales site at and see what you can dig up on there. They sometimes have pretty good deals there too.