Thank God, someone agree\'s.
I\'m sorry, but this game has nothing in common with Castlevania other than atmosphere. The rest of it is pure crap. Bad level design (all the castle rooms look the same), poor combat system, jumpy camera\'s and the list just continues to go on. If this game, did not have the CastleVania brand name, people would just write it off as an average action game, and I mean average , as in just barely passable. But, when you think of all the talent who worked on this, the franchise that it is part of, and it\'s disgusting. It\'s just a tad above the N64 CastleVania games and I think we all remember how bad those was.
And yes, Batman: Rise of Sintzu is crap also, but I\'m a Batman freak (I even beat the glitched infested Batman: Dark Tommorw - also worst game of the year). It was a given that I\'d take the time to go through it just for my Bat\'s addiction can be filled.