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Author Topic: This is what happens when you hit a bird at 180 mph  (Read 545 times)

Offline Black Samurai
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This is what happens when you hit a bird at 180 mph
« on: March 29, 2004, 09:22:42 AM »
Pictures and quotes taken from here

That\'s the bird (what\'s left) from the outside.

And inside.  At 180mph, a bird can actually get through the weatherstripping!!!

Another Picture.

if you want to see the last picture then please PM Black Samurai -ooseven

And yes, when this happens there\'s a mess.  The driver and Navigator were wearing full face helmets and did get messy.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 01:41:31 PM by ooseven »
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline GmanJoe

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This is what happens when you hit a bird at 180 mph
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2004, 09:58:51 AM »
Heh...that\'s funny. :) My Impreza\'s hood scoop will catch a bird every now and then.

And ya know what? If I posted this, a certain mod would say "are you gonna post a thread about how you went to McDonalds next?" :( :D
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Offline ooseven
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This is what happens when you hit a bird at 180 mph
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2004, 01:39:22 PM »
Originally posted by GmanJoe

And ya know what? If I posted this, a certain mod would say "are you gonna post a thread about how you went to McDonalds next?" :( :D

Hey,,,, Eathing the DEAD bird will be better for you than anything of the crap you get from McDonalds ;)....

/me looks around and hopes that Ronalds Lawyers didn\'t read his last statment.

Anyway... i removed the last picture JUST TO BE SAFE :p.... sorry people but we have a nice no gore policy
if you want to see it then PM Black Samurai... but please keep it to the PM system.
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Offline QuDDus
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This is what happens when you hit a bird at 180 mph
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2004, 02:14:00 PM »
got dammit 007:mad:
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This is what happens when you hit a bird at 180 mph
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2004, 03:43:27 AM »
I remember Eddie Irvine hitting a hare at silverstone some years ago. It was atomized into a ball of fur & meat spray.

Srefan Johansson did the same with a deer in the 80\'s (yes, that\'s right, a deer!!!) in Austria.

Both drivers walked away unhurt, which is fairly impressive in an open cockpit car.

The deer as I recall was recovered in Germany.............. an france, and Poland and.........
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