I saw another mind blowing stat about Walmart concerning the percentage of exports from China. It was something ridiculous.
Like 10 or 15% of imports from China go to Walmart. I wish I could rmember the stat, but it was hard to believe knowing just how much crap comes out of China.
http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2003/1110/047_print.htmlHere is it. 10%. Walmart is 1% of China\'s GDP. That\'s freaking amazing.
OK, maybe I should start a new thread because this is a left turn, but these are some stagering stats.
http://www.thecomplaintstation.com/w/_walmart/00000ad9.htm"Wal-Mart, the largest importer in the world of goods made in China, uses several thousands of factories hidden across China. Wal-Mart refuses to release even the names and addresses of these factories to the American people. The largest country of origin for goods made for Kohl\'s is China. The "people\'s" republic of China has a greater disparity in wealth than even the U.S. -- with the bottom 20% of China\'s people controlling 5.5% of the wealth, while the top 20% control 52.3 percent There is no middle class in China. The government tax on the purchase of a new car is $1,205, while to install a phone costs $361, which is hardly affordable for workers in China being paid 3 cents an hour in factories producing goods for export to Wal-Mart. The Economic Policy Institute estimates that 870,000 jobs could be lost in the U.S. over the next decade due to the massive growing trade deficit with China. "