Dont post in a thread unless you have something to contribute. So scram.
Well based on the fact that I mentioned god and souls must mean I believe in the bible. And based on the word of god we all have a soul. And seeing how this is going more religous the bible never mention god giving an aminal a soul.
You apprently didnt read my posts well. I wasnt even talking to you. I was talking to Cloud345. So accept that you were wrong. Nothing in my post I intended to you.
Evolution is a crock. Natural selection makes much more sense.
:rolleyes: They are an intertwined theory. Learn about it in biology when you pass 3rd grade, Alright?
Apart from spudz claiming that dogs may be more intelligent than us I actually agree with him here...
Here is what I mean by the animals being smarter than us.
What does a dog do to live a happy life? Nothing. He uses us. It requires little or no effort for him to prosper. He
USES us. For all we know, Spike could hold the secrets of the world. But we will never know, unless mind reading is possible. Just because they cant talk english, and cant stand up straight doesnt mean that they are stupid. Maybe walking on 4 legs, as they do causes less back problems. Maybe how dogs speak is more efficent, and time saving than us. Think about it, one bark in a pitch could be an entire sentence or mood.
This goes for all animals.