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TIMBERLAKE PUNCHED IN THE FACEPop star Justin Timberlake was punched in the face by a fan as he walked into his end-of-tour party in London on Sunday. The hunky singer was reportedly hit as he entered the Rex Club in Soho following the last date in his British tour, so he refused to come out and meet his many female fans waiting outside the venue for fear he would again be assaulted. A source says, "All the girls were outside waiting for him and someone went to ask his people if he was coming out to sign autographs. "One of his minders came out and said that Justin wouldn\'t be coming out. He said someone had hit him in the face as he went inside. Apparently he got a real crack as he walked in the place and he was worried he might get attacked again." Inside the venue Justin told reporters, "It is just crazy over here in Britain, I f-- hate coming over here."